Release notes
General notes:
Version numbers are formatted as x.y.z where x=major version, y=minor version and z=patch version
Regarding Blue/Green upgrades:
Blue/Green upgrades can be performed on environments running version a.b.c or newer.
ClearBlade only guarantees compatibility between one minor version and the next.
If an environment needs to be upgraded from one version to another in a Blue/Green fashion where the origin and target versions are separated by more than one minor version, then:
Multiple upgrade steps are required.
The steps must upgrade the environment to each of the minor versions between the origin and target versions.
Only one step per minor version is required.
Although a step can be used to upgrade to any patch version within a minor version, it is recommended that the latest patch version is chosen. This is because the latest patch version is likely to incorporate the most bug fixes.
For example, if upgrading from 9.36.2 to 9.38.0 either of these series of steps can be used:
9.36.2 -> 9.37.2 -> 9.38.0
9.36.2 -> 9.37.4 -> 9.38.0 (recommended)
Date: 2025-03-11
Fix: cryptoJS undefined error in duktape crypto library
Date: 2025-03-10
Fix: OIDC failing due to capital letters in developer emails
Enhancement: Add option for verbose logging around sessions and user contexts
Date: 2025-02-27
Enhancement: Update Mongo driver to v1.17.3
Enhancement: Return better error message when auth or registration services return unexpected results
Date: 2025-02-21
Fix: Sessions deleted if database returns error during auth process
Fix: Panic caused by passing cyclic object to native library functions in code service
Fix: Add TTL to collection cache entries
Date: 2025-02-17
Fix: Clean up Mongo server connections on connection failures
Fix: Minor memory leak in V8 during unhandled promise rejections
Fix: Cancel sleeps in microservices that time out
Fix: Return error when subcommand does not exist
Fix: Disabled timers erroneously report as enabled
Fix: Ensure all locks acquired by services are tracked and removed on service completion
Fix: Properly parse concat operator in raw queries
Fix: Handle NaN/Inf float values when querying collections
Fix: Summarize goroutines which list their parent goroutine in stack dump
Enhancement: Remove confusing log stating "Had a problem getting first element off of queue ... redis: nil"
Enhancement: Add optional IoTCore logs for MQTT PINGRESPs and PUBACKs sent by server
Enhancement: Change default Cloud Logging resource type config value to "global"
Date: 2025-01-27
Fix: Allow comma separated list of values in accept-encoding header
Fix: Avoid panic in MQTT connect when device session does not exist
Fix: Load timer queue on node startup
Date: 2025-01-10
Fix: Respond with error if unregistered RPC message arrives on edge
Enhancement: Add logStdErr to v8
Enhancement: Drop PubSub messages if device does not exist
Date: 2025-01-07
Fix: Deadlock in Postgres distributed lock implementation
Fix: Race condition in distributed read locks
Fix: System upload bucketset pkey violation error
Fix: Strip non-existent columns in deploy messages
Date: 2024-12-27
Fix: V8 NaN panic
Date: 2024-12-20
Feature: Kafka MQTT connector
Feature: Pulsar MQTT connector
Feature: Remote DB wipe for edges
Feature: Remove restart for edges
Feature: Remote shell command execution for edges
Feature: Remote get/set config for edges
Feature: Add priority system to throttlers
Feature: Add metrics for RPC RTT and queue times
Enhancement: Allow updating log level on running code services
Enhancement: Add new permission type for edge remote operations
Enhancement: Use database for timers/triggers instead of relying on cache
Enhancement: Add signal timeout option to fetch library
Enhancement: Add default timeout to fetch library
Enhancement: Allow distributed locks to be stored in postgres
Enhancement: Add platform version and feature support to cbmeta
Enhancement: Use duktape as fallback if v8 not available
Enhancement: Add transaction around system creation
Feature: Code service log levels
Feature: DB Stats tab on admin page
Fix: Incorrect value shown for timer frequency if time is under one minute
Date: 2024-12-20
Fix: Correct marshal logic when pushing return value to v8
Fix: Correct edge auto-upgrade version comparisons
Date: 2024-12-19
Fix: Allow duplicate PubSub topics in connectors
Fix: Recover from panics in v8 code services
Fix: Handle logging sets in v8
Fix: Use snake case for bucket set config options
Fix: Respond to unregistered RPC messages with error
Date: 2024-12-16
Enhancement: Promote broker trace logs to info level
Fix: Allow pubsub migration to continue if some systems throw errors
Fix: Prevent password auth once a user/developer switches to OIDC
Fix: Allow logging enabled to override log level
Fix: Account for timescale versions and availability when fetching db stats
Fix: Resolve panic on PubSub message received
Fix: Propagate engine type when pulling code meta from db to prevent reverting V8 services back to Duktape
Date: 2024-12-10
Enhancement: Remove topic mapping requirement when creating Google PubSub or Amazon Kinesis MQTT connectors
Date: 2024-12-09
Fix: Properly marshal null and undefined in v8
Date: 2024-12-09
Fix: Set deviceName field from broker authentication errors
Fix: Set proper permissions on collections when using system upload
Fix: Store params with code services when set in console
Fix: Use correct error string and fix parsing of some failed run cases
Fix: Make data formats consistent between duk and v8
Date: 2024-11-22
Enhancement: Use caller name instead of lock name in lock metrics
Fix: Send error response on bucketset file create failures
Fix: Better version comparison algorithm for edge upgrades
Date: 2024-11-15
Fix: Stop overwriting redirect responses from services with status codes in the 300s
Fix: Properly initialize node socket object to avoid push call on undefined object error
Fix: Add details to s3 files in bucketset list endpoint
Fix: Always set deployment name in sync status messages
Fix: Ensure async functions run asynchronously in v8
Fix: Better promise rejection handling in v8
Fix: Use proper parameter order for create_jwt in v8
Fix: Fire triggers on collection actions in v8
Date: 2024-11-05
Fix: Only flush timer cache during init on leader node
Fix: Only add a node to the leader manager after a successful connection
Fix: Skip data upsert with no data in system upload collection handler to avoid panic
Date: 2024-10-17
Feature: Add log levels to code services
Feature: Add admin endpoint to reset database statistics
Feature: Add requireLibrary to v8
Enhancement: Allow filtering edges based on connectivity status
Enhancement: Remove system secrets
Enhancement: Add additional logging and auditing to service account session deletion
Enhancement: Ignore unregistered RPC messages
Enhancement: Migrate PubSub connections to MQTT connectors
Enhancement: Add prometheus metric for gRPC connections
Enhancement: Add prometheus metric for RPC execution times
Fix: Don't print periodic stat logs when executing subcommands
Fix: Add external broker connections back to prometheus metrics
Enhancement: Remove system secret from system settings page
Fix: Allow edge names to start with a number
Date: 2024-11-05
Fix: Only flush timer cache during init on leader node
Fix: Only add a node to the leader manager after a successful connection
Fix: Skip data upsert with no data in system upload collection handler to avoid panic
Date: 2024-10-17
Fix: Handle new user in code service meta during system upload dry runs
Fix: Remove preemptive delete from running service map
Fix: Remove extra lock in broker leading to deadlocks in connect
Date: 2024-10-15
Fix: Correct column name in device public key replace function
Date: 2024-10-11
Enhancement: Move node connection stats log from debug to info level
Fix: Allow service undeploy to succeed if service is already gone
Fix: Don't attempt to sync secrets to edges with insecure connections
Fix: Sort undeploy messages in reverse order to fix dependency errors
Date: 2024-09-30
Fix: Send metadata along with gRPC requests
Fix: Register missing error types with gob
Date: 2024-09-26
Feature: Kinesis integration
Feature: gRPC client support in code services
Feature: Full system support in system upload
Feature: Prometheus metrics for distributed locks and leader status
Feature: Admin endpoint for database statistics
Feature: Add detach node subcommand
Enhancement: Allow configuring the mTLS MQTT ALPN string
Enhancement: Add stack trace to unhandled promise rejection errors
Enhancement: Allow changing RPC MaxInFlightWorkers and MaxProcessMessageQueue config variables at runtime
Enhancement: Calculate Prometheus gauge metrics at scrape time
Enhancement: Aggregate dropped event queue messages to avoid spamming logs
Enhancement: Improve logging around auto-balance process
Enhancement: Improve stat log structure in json log mode
Enhancement: Add package category to log fields in json log mode
Enhancement: Add more details to router permission denied errors
Fix: Prevent edges from being downgraded when connecting to older platform nodes
Fix: Prevent deadlock on timer queue reinitialization
Fix: Stop auto-scaling services that exit too quickly
Fix: Correct service stack trace line numbers when custom libraries are included
Fix: Remove sessions when system is deleted
Fix: Modify killclient to work with AddRandom config option
Fix: Prevent duplicate throttlers from being created
Fix: Add bucket set button throws error
Date: 2024-08-27
Fix: Updated cblib dependency to allow for importing secrets via IPM
Date: 2024-08-23
Enhancement: Add temporary config option to reduce JWT size by disabling JWT auth
Fix: Handle interface conversion to avoid panic in cache MGetInternal
Fix: Sync collection schema when only syncing a subset of collection items
Date: 2024-07-30
Feature: Add OIDC allowed domain filters
Enhancement: Remove unnecessary comment in micro service template
Date: 2024-07-25
Fix: Added checks in internal MQTT client to avoid nil dereference panic
Fix: Use more accurate queue stats in autoscaler
Fix: Restart timer queue after cluster leadership change
Date: 2024-07-15
Fix: Ensure Postgres system errors are propagated back to code services
Fix: Properly lock when killing code service to avoid panic during deletion
Fix: Use the correct query in sync status to delete errors on the initial edge handshake
Fix: The simple filter for tables does not work
Date: 2024-07-01
Feature: Add subcommand for dumping database statistics
Feature: Add subcommand for manually reinitializing timer queue
Enhancement: Add config options for sync queue reaper enabled, interval, and per-target thresholds
Enhancement: Add timeouts to RPC message calls
Enhancement: Reregister node info in Redis if keys get cleared unexpectedly
Fix: Avoid index out of range panic in code services caused by clearTimeout
Fix: Use proper timescale chunk sizes for message history tables and add subcommand for manual fixes
Fix: Ensure auto-scaled services keep receiving messages after scaling down
Fix: Enforce minimum auto-scale concurrency of 1
Fix: Upgrade filter package to fix CSP violation
Date: 2024-06-18
Feature: One-step mTLS support for MQTT
Feature: Stream service autoscaling
Feature: Add overridable Process.onShutdown callback in JavaScript engine
Feature: Add Prometheus metrics for active and throttled MQTT connects
Feature: Add Prometheus metrics for MongoDB operations
Feature: Add a subcommand for toggling the force clean session option for the system
Feature: Add a subcommand for manually setting the leader node
Feature: Periodically dump stack to disk
Enhancement: Gracefully terminate stream services
Enhancement: Use blue/green update process for stream services
Enhancement: Capture system enable and disable in the audit trail
Enhancement: Add gin index to messaging table topicid column
Enhancement: Skip persistent session message history query if the topic is not whitelisted
Enhancement: Allow userid as a parameter in the userConnections native library function
Enhancement: Add retries on external DB initial connect
Enhancement: Support users, collections, webhooks, bucket sets, and external DBs in the system upload endpoint
Enhancement: Force cluster leader change if leader ID is invalid
Enhancement: Allow migrations to run when a node with a newer version joins the cluster
Enhancement: Code log cleanup optimizations
Enhancement: Warning log when device numid is missing in Pub/Sub messages
Feature: Add auto scale settings to the service settings tab
Enhancement: Reorganize the code service settings tab
Fix: Selecting OIDC scope crashes page
Date: 2024-06-04
Fix: Ensure correct primary key is returned for revoked certificates migration
Date: 2024-05-31
Enhancement: Add config variable for Google Cloud logging resource type
Enhancement: Reduce distributed locking around MQTT sessions
Enhancement: Reduce database querying around MQTT sessions
Fix: Disallow duplicate entries in mTLS revoked certificates
Date: 2024-05-23
Fix: Persist message history settings on system disable
Fix: Session handling with anon clients no longer leads to nil pointer panic
Fix: Allow timer creation with zero repeats from code services
Enhancement: Raw query log moved from debug to super level
Fix: Toggle all logging wipes run_user setting
Feature: Add sensitive params checkbox to code service advanced settings
Enhancement: Add missing triggers
Date: 2024-05-07
Enhancement: Add helm chart version to reported metrics
Fix: Revert accidental rename of client connect/disconnect trigger payload key to "triggerKey"
Fix: Add missing error string in kill-client error log
Fix: Register missing map[string]string type with gob
Fix: Ensure developer tokens are removed from the cache after logout
Fix: Avoid potential concurrent map read/write panic in preloaded request manager
Fix: Avoid potential assignment to nil map panic in preloaded request manager
Fix: Subscribing on the test topic tab on the messages page doesn't work if a sync status message is received before the topic is set
Date: 2024-04-24
Feature: System upload endpoint with support for code services, libraries, and roles
Enhancement: Use POST request for subcommands to allow URLs as arguments
Enhancement: Separate preloaded request queues from execution engines to prevent dropped requests
Enhancement: Add Prometheus metrics for preloaded request queues
Enhancement: Accept certificate hash in mTLS revocation endpoint
Feature: Add V8 support when creating/editing services
Fix: Handle non-200 status code when testing code services
Note: If blue/green environments want to upgrade to 9.35.0, they’ll have to go through the three-step upgrade sequence beginning with version
Date: 2024-05-31
Enhancement: Add config variable for Google Cloud logging resource type
Enhancement: Reduce distributed locking around MQTT sessions
Enhancement: Reduce database querying around MQTT sessions
The new versions in our new recommended blue/green upgrade sequence are -> -> 9.34.4.
Date: 2024-04-24
Enhancement: Node library UDP packet additions
Enhancement: Remove noisy library import cycle log
Fix: Webhooks not working due to failed migration
Fix: Broker deadlock with shared MQTT subscriptions from code services
Note: This is part three of a three-part release series to support RPC updates in blue/green environments. If your environment needs strict blue/green upgrades, you must successfully deploy each of the three versions sequentially and can’t skip any.
Date: 2024-05-31
Enhancement: Add config variable for Google Cloud logging resource type
Enhancement: Reduce distributed locking around MQTT sessions
Enhancement: Reduce database querying around MQTT sessions
The new versions in our new recommended blue/green upgrade sequence are -> -> 9.34.4.
Date: 2024-04-26
Fix: Broker deadlock with shared MQTT subscriptions from code services
Fix: Webhooks not working due to failed migration
Note: This is part two of a three-part release series to support RPC updates in blue/green environments. If your environment needs strict blue/green upgrades, you must successfully deploy each of the three versions sequentially and can’t skip any.
Date: 2024-04-03
Fix: Forwarding MQTT5 messages across cluster nodes causing RPC disconnection
Fix: Execution engines that subscribed to shared topics not being cleaned up after termination, leading to memory leak
Fix: P2P migrations erroring due to missing DEK
Date: 2024-03-28
Enhancement: Add Prometheus metrics for MQTT shared topic queues
Enhancement: Add JSON option to dump stack subcommand
Enhancement: Add RPC handlers for code updates
Fix: Memory leak in Duktape context cache
Date: 2024-05-31
Enhancement: Add config variable for Google Cloud logging resource type
Enhancement: Reduce distributed locking around MQTT sessions
Enhancement: Reduce database querying around MQTT sessions
The new versions in our new recommended blue/green upgrade sequence are -> -> 9.34.4.
Date: 2024-04-26
Enhancement: Add Prometheus metrics for MQTT shared topic queues
Fix: Memory leak in Duktape context cache
Fix: Execution engines that subscribed to shared topics not being cleaned up after termination, leading to memory leak
Fix: Broker deadlock with shared MQTT subscriptions from code services
Fix: Webhooks not working due to failed migration
Note: This is part one of a three-part release series to support RPC updates in blue/green environments. If your environment needs strict blue/green upgrades, you must successfully deploy each of the three versions and can’t skip any.
Date: 2024-03-22
Feature: Add endpoint for reading platform config
Feature: Improve raw query parsing to support the ON CONFLICT clause for upserts
Feature: Kill clients if they accumulate too many unacknowledged QoS 1/2 messages
Feature: Add CORS header config variables
Feature: Add ConsoleURL config variable
Enhancement: Separate MQTT shared subscription queues from execution engines to prevent dropped messages
Enhancement: Allow multiple route levels and path variables in webhooks
Enhancement: Remove the item_id unique constraint on the hypertable collections
Enhancement: Move retain messages to the database to avoid expensive cache scans on subscribe
Enhancement: Suppress error messages when autobalanced services are restarted
Enhancement: Rename EdgeCookie to EdgeToken in edge config
Enhancement: Stop creating timer and trigger topic permissions by default
Enhancement: Add session ID and IP to trigger data for connect, disconnect, subscribe, and unsubscribe triggers
Enhancement: Add Prometheus metric for QoS storage map size
Enhancement: Add MQTT version to current connections Prometheus metric
Enhancement: Add init cache expiry to make blue/green upgrades easier
Fix: Make edge retry failed sync events without requiring a reboot
Fix: Attempt to reconnect if node connections are lost in a cluster
Fix: Prevent double close on channel panics when deleting systems
Fix: Remove cache race condition when deleting or renaming columns
Fix: Clean up MQTT trigger config table on system delete
Date: 2024-05-23
Enhancement: Optimize database handling of MQTT sessions
Date: 2024-03-06
Enhancement: Optimize retrieve session calls on client connect
Date: 2024-03-05
Enhancement: Allow forcing clean sessions in specific systems
Date: 2024-03-04
Enhancement: Send SUBACK before firing subscribe triggers
Enhancement: Add additional packet fields to broker trace logs
Enhancement: Improve logging around Google Cloud loggers
Fix: Panic in message expiry store
Date: 2024-02-23
Fix: Clients with clean session false not receiving missed messages
Date: 2024-02-21
Fix: Client tracing only reporting connect packets
Fix: regeneratorRuntime not installed for React portals
Date: 2024-02-15
Fix: Code service index out of bounds panic caused by clearTimeout
Fix: Edge cache causing occasional sync issues
Fix: Unable to load mfe from localhost
Enhancement: Update jQuery and DOMPurify dependencies
Feature: Allow for configuring IA CSP header via flag
Date: 2024-02-12
Fix: User fetch error causing trigger and code update issues
Date: 2024-02-07
Feature: Add certificate auth option for edges
Feature: Add endpoints for creating foreign keys on device, user, and edge tables
Feature: Add endpoint for deleting foreign keys from collections
Feature: Periodically remove old Prometheus labels
Enhancement: Make user and developer emails case-insensitive
Enhancement: Improve handling of sessions with half-open connections
Enhancement: Treat unhandled promise rejections as errors
Enhancement: Allow service accounts to be created with no password
Enhancement: Allow flagging code services as having sensitive parameters
Enhancement: Allow queries when deleting secrets
Enhancement: Add config option to prevent auto-creation of throttlers
Enhancement: Add config options for disabling MQTT 5 clients and select features
Fix: Code table not getting migrated in P2P system migrations due to unique constraint error
Fix: Change topic permission variable from deviceID to deviceName
Fix: Stack dump parsing failures due to multiple receivers in function calls
Date: 2024-01-30
Fix: Post to create user endpoint not returning user email
Fix: Edge restart required after adding new topic to history storage
Fix: Race condition in geo library
Fix: Admin panel analytics showing the wrong count for services and libraries
Fix: Update docs link to point to the new Confluence space
Fix: Disable name attribute in table fields to prevent LastPass from filling in values
Fix: Fatal no pkey found error on edges
Enhancement: Add the ability to search for a list of secrets
Date: 2024-01-22
Fix: Being unable to remove all dependencies for a library
Fix: Deadlock in broker unsubscribe
Fix: URL encoding for secrets page
Enhancement: Allow variables in topic permissions
Enhancement: Add geo library and new UUID to V8 runtime
Enhancement: Show device IDs in the audit log when multiple devices are updated
Feature: Add endpoints for adding and listing foreign keys on a collection
Feature: Remote recovery mode management
Feature: P2P system migration
Date: 2024-01-12
Fix: Service account API requests getting user cannot access resource error
Fix: Prevent service results from being stringified in the v8 engine
Date: 2024-01-10
Feature: Add foreign key support
Feature: MQTT 5 subscription options
Feature: MQTT 5 session expiry
Feature: MQTT 5 subscription identifiers
Enhancement: Store license in DB
Enhancement: Set default license renewal webhook URL
Enhancement: Improve edge upgrade error message
Enhancement: Make metrics reporting mandatory
Fix: Periodic ANON token permission denied errors
Fix: Inconsistent throttling for webhooks
Fix: 2FA emails being sent to users even when 2FA is disabled in the system
Fix: Send instance metrics on startup instead of waiting for the interval
Fix: Ignore version suffix when checking version equality
Fix: Prevent incorrect subscription options from being applied when filters overlap
Fix: Remove topic prefix from MQTT 5 shared subscriptions
Date: 2023-12-15
Enhancement: Set object-src none for IA CSP headers
Date: 2023-12-13
Feature: MQTT 5 message expiry
Feature: MQTT 5 set max packet size
Feature: MQTT 5 will delay
Feature: MQTT 5 reason codes and strings
Feature: MQTT 5 assigned client ID
Enhancement: IA CSP headers
Date: 2023-12-06
Feature: MQTT 5 flow control
Feature: MQTT 5 max keep alive
Feature: MQTT 5 topic aliases
Feature: mTLS restructure and cert revocation support
Feature: Publish to gateway errors topic upon subscription to invalid topic
Enhancement: Support cgroups v2 API in metric collection
Enhancement: Add option to enforce IoT Core client ID structure strictly
Fix: Skip adding notify keyspace events to the Redis cluster
Fix: Create index error on older Postgres and timescale versions
Fix: Unit tests failing due to default throttlers
Fix: v8 mem leak
Fix: Generate code OOM
Fix: Default brute force throttlers not getting added on fresh DB
Date: 2023-11-20
Feature: Add default brute force throttlers
Enhancement: Index sessions tables
Enhancement: Warn when using deprecated CLI flags
Fix: Create index error when timescale disabled
Date: 2023-11-16
Enhancement: Add attributes to forwarded messages from Pub/Sub
Date: 2023-11-10
Feature: Pub/Sub to MQTT forwarder
Feature: Configurable MQTT auth delay
Feature: Provide unset capability on user password
Feature: OIDC filters
Feature: Frontend for toggling OIDC
Enhancement: Bulk update when draining caches
Fix: SQLite JSON stringified
Fix: Request ID being cached and reused
Date: 2023-11-06
Feature: Allow creating composite indexes
Feature: User MQTT session connections API
Feature: Implement TTL override
Enhancement: Certificate common name check for mTLS
Enhancement: Periodically print RPC queue size
Enhancement: Redis cluster support
Fix: Respond with 500 on timeout
Fix: v8 memory leak
Fix: Device timestamps are not updated when attached to gateways
Date: 2023-11-01
feature: allow swapping out redis with memory store
enhancement: print http errors
enhancement: increase default max service caches
enhancement: allow increasing max thread count
fix: check delete query uuid
fix: resubscribe client if clean session false
fix: user ctx json marshal errors
fix: update heartbeat of attached devices
fix: roles table not getting cleaned after system delete
Date: 2023-10-19
enhancement: add topic index to message history tables
enhancement: turn down noisy logs for device cache and apps table misses
fix: userroles trigger not firing when applying role to device from service
fix: off by one error on max service caches
fix: cleanupclosedclient locks with empty name and systemkey causing high redis cpu
Date: 2023-10-05
enhancement: add structured logs in mqtt client handling
enhancement: kill client support for random client ids
enhancement: cache user ctx
fix: log levels broken and json logs not parsed properly
Date: 2023-10-02
enhancement: structured logging to allow adding context to logs
enhancement: allow subscribing to the same topic across multiple brokers in a code service
enhancement: remove deprecated dependencies
fix: panics caused by RPCStatsString call
fix: disallow deleting service account sessions via session api
fix: stop twilio subaccount creation on startup
Date: 2023-09-27
enhancement: use system cache for system info
fix: auto balance on edge requiring run on platform set to true
Date: 2023-09-26
fix: some delete queries unexpectedly returning data causing memory issues
Date: 2023-09-22
enhancement: allow limiting concurrent mqtt connections
enhancement: add device key replace async function
enhancement: add tracing to debug output
enhancement: return proper error when dropping message due to max size
fix: remove sensitive user info from audit trail updates
fix: e2p custom sync not working due to incorrect asset edge cache set
fix: error creating edges via console due to excess systemkey fields
fix: execute timer as system owner if set user is removed
Date: 2023-09-08
feature: up the queue size and number of workers
enhancement: add ability to disable retain messages
Date: 2023-09-07
feature: rpc message counts by type in logs
enhancement: move device cache to local to ease redis pressure
fix: hide default columns v2
Date: 2023-08-29
enhancement: make client ids unique
Date: 2023-08-29
enhancement: mqtt5 property handling
fix: excessive autobalancer restarting on startup
fix: check preloaded service context cancelled before forwarding request
Date: 2023-08-23
fix: error causing crash in code service message history query
fix: message history max rows not respecting time
fix: allow setting engine type on code service creation
Date: 2023-08-18
feature: mTLS for device auth
enhancement: mqtt parsing updates for v5
fix: throttler for mqtt connections does not throttle
Date: 2023-08-16
fix: topic count endpoint query missing distinct keyword
fix: write deadline not being applied to certain clients
fix: onnx runtime version
fix: panic on platform key not found in cache
fix: iotcore state cleanup not working with gateways
fix: device proxy concurrent map read write panic
Date: 2023-08-10
feature: oidc support
feature: clearblade async device public key functions
feature: v8 cbmeta
feature: endpoint for js engine details
feature: v8 native libraries fetch
feature: v8 native libraries crypto
feature: async message history read function
feature: v8 native libraries clearblade async
feature: OIDC implementation for cb
enhancement: allow configuring max service caches
enhancement: configurable timeout for preloaded service requests
enhancement: hang initialization until valid postgres and redis connection
enhancement: need config option for setting default ttl of code logs
enhancement: manual clean message history subcommand
enhancement: iotcore manual clean states subcommand
enhancement: allow explain in raw queries
enhancement: better retain management in broker
enhancement: allow users to stop stream services using rest
enhancement: clean up default edge table columns
enhancement: added id to currently running
enhancement: update to code service types
enhancement: updated stream service template
enhancement: updated stream service template
fix: excessive autobalancer restarting on startup
fix: keep alive deadlock
fix: start servers after service autobalance
fix: message queue prometheus metrics
fix: logging objects and arrays in v8 services
fix: jwt mwtt error codes
fix: create device
Date: 2023-09-22
fix: excessive autobalancer restarting on startup
Date: 2023-08-07
enhancement: add device public key and proxy indexes
fix: change redis flush to not use script which causes busy restarts
fix: quick restart race causing dead services to hold subscriptions in broker
Date: 2023-07-25
Date: 2023-07-24
fix: initialize connection manager after node up events
fix: start servers after service autobalance
fix: quit hitting code meta when just need latest
Date: 2023-07-19
fix: concurrent map access panic
Date: 2023-07-19
Date: 2023-07-12
enhancement: active key not required if using cert auth for devices
fix: superfluous writeheader call with resp code 204
fix: concurrent subscriptions iteration write
Date: 2023-07-07
fix: locks for trigger config
fix: tuple concurrently update error on system create
fix: early failure in mqtt connect handler causing clientids to be frozen
Date: 2023-06-09
Key notes:
On June 30th, 2023, ClearBlade released the latest version of our award-winning IoT software, Cat’s Eye. It has been a quarter filled with exciting new opportunities as IoT Core continues to improve and Intelligent Assets becomes more customizable. Learn more about all the great new features below.

Terraform IoT Core
ClearBlade IoT Core now has a public Terraform provider available. This allows for creating, updating, and deleting registries and devices with industry-standard DevOps processes.
IoT Core Improvements
Numerous fixes were made to improve the IoT Core offering and ensure like-for-like capability with the Google Cloud offering. This includes Config message acknowledgments, QoS downgrades matching MQTT specification, GatewayID information passed to Pub/Sub, certificate expirations, and keeping alive 0 disabled checks. These issues make migrating and running your IoT solution rapidly easier than ever.
ClearBlade has released OIDC support for the IoT Enterprise Platform this quarter. This means that developers and their credentials can now be managed via single sign-on-like capabilities and use their internal IAM accounts for Platform access.
Acknowledgments Triggers
ClearBlade IoT Enterprise allows for triggering custom logic on lower levels of MQTT behavior with the triggers for acknowledgments release. When the device acknowledges receipt of messages or pings, it’s now possible to implement logical customer behaviors.
Message Tracing
Large-scale device solutions with high message rates can be challenging to debug. You can now use ClearBlade’s debug logging to trace messages by topic with publisher and subscriber information.
fix: MQTT Keep Alive of 0 should disable keep alive checks on the server
fix: upgrade yup to fix csp violation
fix: display filter correctly
fix: format log timestamps
fix: modal message
Date: 2023-06-01
enhancement: increase max inflight engine limit
Date: 2023-05-30
enhancement: kill code engines smarter to avoid rangeerror panics
fix: update cache after deleting mqtt trigger config
fix: allow custom expiry to be in the past
fix: dont allow duplicate edge connections in cluster
fix: subquery unknown table error in raw queries
Date: 2023-05-23
feature: trigger for login events
enhancement: add codev2 endpoint with runas user email
enhancement: add bulk insert api for timescale
fix: throttlers off by one
Date: 2023-05-16
enhancement: add topic tracing for advanced broker debugging
enhancement: add more broker dump commands
fix: incorrect qos upgrading when subscribed to higher qos
fix: message history queues dying if message history table does not exist
Date: 2023-05-10
Date: 2023-05-09
enhancement: update password storage parameters
Date: 2023-05-04
enhancement: add write timeout for mqtt client
Date: 2023-04-25
fix: device state history cleaner not working
Date: 2023-04-21
enhancement: allow bypassing tls with fetch api
Date: 2023-04-19
enhancement: allow setting expiration date on public keys
enhancement: allow certs with extended key usages
enhancement: async device connections js api
enhancement: include gatewayid in pubsub message attributes
fix: fix preloaded service high db usage due to code logs
fix: add max socket read size limit
fix: allow jwt to work like google
Date: 2023-04-05
Key notes:
On April 3, 2023, ClearBlade released the latest version of its award-winning IoT software, the Spirograph Nebula Release. It has been a quarter filled with exciting new opportunities as IoT Core matures and meets the immediate needs of migrating device registries. Learn more about all the great new features below.

SOC 2 Certification
Official completion of audit window with the certification of SOC 2 Type II for IoT Core SaaS offering.
Full Gateway to Device Support
To support all three types of binding authentication, including association only, device credential only, and association and device credential.
HTTP JWT Support
ClearBlade IoT Core now fully supports authentication and authorization using the JWT in the HTTP ClearBlade user token. See documentation for additional usage details.
Optional capability to extend the database to install timescale plugins and leverage timescale performance enhancements for message history and external collections.
Google Marketplace Deployment to Private Cloud
Purchase ClearBlade IoT Enterprise in the Google Cloud Marketplace and deploy it to your Google Cloud project with Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE).
Custom Auth Override Fields
Send additional parameters to include and enhance third-party auth with external multi-factor variables on the authorization API event.
Date: 2023-03-27
feature: make deployments friendly
feature: automated metric reporting
feature: add timescale support for collections
feature: auto platform license renewal
enhancement: allow code runas to be email
enhancement: add userdefined flag on columns response for users devices and edges
enhancement: upgrade password storage
fix: bad unmarshalling of error in killremoteclientrsp
fix: honor mqtt keep alive at mqtt level
Date: 2023-03-14
enhancement: add config option to ignore auth errors on publish and subscribe
enhancement: allow extra fields in auth override service params
enhancement: add attached proxies to device connections
fix: promise finally error propagation
fix: removing edges from deployment also removes adapters
fix: over the top library errors
Date: 2023-03-01
enhancement: add periodic vacuuming to the edge
enhancement: add config options and logging for cleanup routines
enhancement: better memory usage around code libraries
fix: move blocking proxy logic inside mqtt connection handler
fix: cannot update bound devices
fix: orphaned rows in user roles table
Date: 2023-02-14
enhancement: allow arbitrary claims in jwt creation
fix: throttler deadlock
fix: honor mqtt keep alive at mqtt level
fix: autobalance max concurrency failed runs on edge restarts
fix: lean mode memory leak with code logs
Date: 2023-02-06
feature: make timescale optional
feature: support certificate auth for devices
feature: add secrets to deployments
enhancement: drop default user and device fields instead of erroring on update
enhancement: ignore trailing info when comparing edge versions for ota upgrade
fix: throw error if setting developer token ttl on non expiring platform
fix: secondary consumer keys do not work
Date: 2023-01-31
enhancement: cache device timestamp updates for better performance
enhancement: ignore trailing info when comparing edge versions for ota upgrade
fix: secondary consumer keys do not work
fix: MaxPublishSize parsing from config file
Date: 2023-01-24
fix: pubsub subscribe race condition on update
Date: 2023-01-23
fix: overwrite pubsub config on update
fix: pubsub default telemetry topic routing
fix: edge sync deadlock on slow networks
Date: 2023-01-18
fix: google system settings cache
fix: ignore empty throttler consumers
Date: 2023-01-12
feature: separate code meta table
feature: device proxy support
enhancement: support subquery array constructors in raw queries
fix: active devices metric incorrect http reporting
fix: change order of role add device create
fix: always sync collection indexes even if sync schema only
fix: code services not deleted when system is deleted
Date: 2023-01-11
Key notes:
On January 11, 2023, ClearBlade released the latest version of its award-winning IoT software, the Lion Nebula Release. It has been a quarter filled with exciting new opportunities as IoT Core continues to mature and meet the immediate needs of migrating device registries. Learn more about all the great new features below.

MySQL and MariaDB support
Improvements in the MySQL and MariaDB external database connector allow for the latest supported driver features and TLS encrypted communication. This ensures secure communication between multi-cloud architectures and modern capability availability.
MongoDB Atlas driver update
Replacement of the current MongoDB Atlas driver with the latest release to enable connectivity to the latest MongoDB releases. Massive performance and increased connection speeds have been realized.
fix: change order of role add device create
Date: 2023-01-06
enhancement: clean up fatal logs
fix: failed run not reporting during trigger after collection update via service
fix: active device map initialization causing panic
Date: 2023-01-04
enhancement: allow migration tool to add expired certs
enhancement: upgrade pubsub library
fix: make active device metric count publishers
fix: iotcore metrics reporting too frequently in clusters
Date: 2022-12-15
enhancement: allow json formatting platform logs
enhancement: add hmac to crypto lib
enhancement: pull compute token for pubsub debug
fix: jwt issued at future time skew
fix: encode topic name for link to topic detail page
Date: 2022-12-06
enhancement: add details to pubsub error log
fix: remove benign edge error about dropping data
fix: jwt time skew
Date: 2022-12-02
enhancement: reduce device update query data usage
fix: device refresh sessions not deleted after device delete
fix: google metrics being written too frequently
fix: broker deadlock with local locks
fix: disabled devices still allowed to connect via mqtt
fix: null doubles causing panic in raw queries
fix: unthrown errors on bad base64 operations in services
fix: bad topic matching for hash
Date: 2022-11-17
enhancement: allow subcommand arguments with slashes
fix: message history incorrectly stripping leading and trailing slashes on topics
fix: null uuid parsing
fix: subscribing to external brokers sometimes leading to infinite loop
Date: 2022-11-16
Date: 2022-11-16
fix: add registry info to metrics
Date: 2022-11-15
enhancement: add clearblade attribute to pubsub
fix: timer queue deadlock when dumping timers from non leader node
Date: 2022-11-08
feature: google cloud monitoring integration
enhancement: allow empty usernames with jwt auth via mqtt
enhancement: allow crypto base64 functions to work with binary data
enhancement: add admin debug capabilities to google cloud loggers
fix: publish to default events topic if no subfolder exists
Date: 2022-11-03
enhancement: allow database query and exec with external dbs
Date: 2022-10-24
feature: delete a project area
enhancement: wrap bulk inserts in db transaction
enhancement: add tls support for mysql to UI
fix: manually add CA cert not working
Date: 2022-10-20
enhancement: throw error if using bad role id for permissions code services
enhancement: add tls support for mysql external db connection
fix: fix panic in updateUserCtxsByUserID event handler
fix: fix bad float behavior with postgres
Date: 2022-10-17
feature: capture http data usage for systems
feature: remove logs that fill log files
fix: iot 558
Date: 2022-10-13
Key notes:
On Oct 12, 2022, we announced the release of ClearBlade Lagoon. The Lagoon release is a major step forward for ClearBlade with the launch of our new product IoT Core being made available to the general public. In addition, key capabilities for the IoT Enterprise and IoT Edge are now in the hands of developers. As always, Intelligent Assets is easier and faster for new operational users to acquire and understand their assets.

Native Google Cloud Logging Integration
Existing ClearBlade logging integrations with Loki, Datadog, and splunk have been expanded to include Google Cloud Logging as an out of the box target to keep all your logs in one place.
Certificate Based Authentication for Devices
ClearBlade now natively honors certificate based auth over MQTT passed via the connect password field as a JWT token. This secure offering provides new flexibility to embedded device developers to select the authentication model correct for their use case.
Improved Log Viewer
Service logs generated by microservice and stream services are now easier than ever to search, discover and maintain with an enhanced log viewer in the console.
Webhook Patch Support
In addition to put post create delete methods, your webhooks now support the patch method.
enhancement: allow multiple cloud loggers per system
fix: dont allow public key creation when device does not exist
fix: change device numid field in native pubsub
Date: 2022-10-10
feature: add patch support for webhooks
enhancement: update device timestamp columns for iotcore
Date: 2022-10-04
fix: fix true not callable error after raw queries
fix: stream service not restarted when library updated in cluster
Date: 2022-09-30
Date: 2022-09-30
enhancement: use timescaledb for message history
enhancement: cache message topic regexp to reduce memory churn
fix: fix cluster lock issue in client connect causing lingering and hanging connections
Date: 2022-09-29
fix: fix cloud logger settings not updating in cluster
Date: 2022-09-26
enhancement: add index to speed up code log queries
fix: pubsub update does not work in cluster
fix: fix multi key map error on mongo finds with multiple sort fields
Date: 2022-09-23
enhancement: extend google cloud logging to support mqtt events
Date: 2022-09-19
enhancement: allow decoding improperly padded jwt tokens
Date: 2022-09-15
fix: fix undefined not callable in mqtt message callback
Date: 2022-09-14
feature: google cloud logging integration
Date: 2022-09-12
feature: google pubsub native support
Date: 2022-09-09
Date: 2022-09-08
fix: fix invalid json error when reading non json secrets in code services
Date: 2022-09-01
fix: libraries not getting deployed on initial edge deploy
Date: 2022-08-30
Date: 2022-08-29
fix: closing log modal while proxied navigates to platform code service
Date: 2022-08-26
Date: 2022-08-26
feature: add base64 encoding to crypto library
enhancement: use atomics for mqtt data usage storage
Date: 2022-08-24
feature: capture mqtt data usage for systems
feature: sync file to single edge
Date: 2022-08-23
fix: user secrets dont sync
fix: check for public key expiry on create only
Date: 2022-08-22
Date: 2022-08-22
Date: 2022-08-19
Date: 2022-08-18
fix: legacy token parse error due to unixnano
fix: report error for auth service delete
Date: 2022-08-17
enhancement: refresh most recent service runs when all logs are deleted
fix: make auth override service backwards compatible
Date: 2022-08-12
feature: certificate based authentication for devices
feature: ui for certificate based authentication for devices
enhancement: log console error when currentProcess doesn
fix: fix topic tree dropping clients if unsub received on subpath
fix: allow custom responses from custom auth and reg services
fix: check refresh token password
Date: 2022-07-28
Date: 2022-07-27
enhancement: log console error when currentProcess doesn
fix: concurrent map read write in sync dispatcher
fix: client cleanup deadlock causing clientid release to take 10 minutes
fix: remove refresh sessions on user session delete
fix: ensure permissions get valid resource names
fix: behavior of for in loop changed
fix: fix empty usertoken when using custom auth service
Date: 2022-07-25
enhancement: upgrade mongo driver to 1
fix: improve latest code version query performance
Date: 2022-07-20
enhancement: add column type checking to jsonb migration
Date: 2022-07-19
feature: endpoint latest version meta for all services in system
feature: secrets management UI
feature: new log viewer ui
enhancement: combine autorestart and autobalance options
enhancement: rebuild code and userctx during service restarts
enhancement: better logs when executing a service
enhancement: restart stream services when dependencies are updated
enhancement: update service userctxs without requiring restarts
enhancement: report code versions in currently running services
enhancement: remove auto restart checkbox on code settings form
fix: fix client connect race condition when broker under heavy load
fix: strategies to reduce pressure on leader node
fix: unable to change user password on users page
fix: asset not removed from deployment when sync to edge and sync to platform unchecked
Date: 2022-07-13
Key notes:
The Boomerang Nebula is about 5,000 light-years from Earth in the direction of the Southern constellation Centaurus. The nebula has a temperature of only one degree Kelvin above absolute zero (nearly -460 degrees Fahrenheit)

Database Status API
It is now possible to query for the health and performance of the databases and caches being used by your IoT Solution with the new Database status API.
User 2FA
Every IoT System running on the platform now has two factor authentication for users available out of the box for extra security.
NodeJS Net Interface
It’s now easier than ever to leverage the entire NPM ecosystem for reuse. Whether opening a socket and listening to an HTTP request or communicating directly with UDP, it’s never been faster to begin communicating with data sources at the edge.
Now with a built in Web Socket library you can integrate with web based pub/sub data streams. Thanks to Web Socket support, data can not only be processed in real time from devices but also from your favorite SaaS services.
Secrets Management
This new feature allows private information to be stored and used by your services to securely integrate without disclosing your credentials. Most importantly these secrets can be securely deployed to edges meaning you can build your 3rd party integrations from the cloud and deploy them without ever leaving your office.
enhancement: add edge auto ota retry loop and fix fixes
fix: remove empty deployment name sync error
fix: edge panic due to nil sandbox trigger puller
fix: fix collection schema changes not syncing when syncschemaonly is enabled
Date: 2022-06-16
enhancement: lower memory usage for code log endpoint
enhancement: add support for groupby api query objects
fix: fix autobalance starting wrong version when service name is repeated across systems
fix: asset not removed from deployment when sync to edge and sync to platform unchecked
Date: 2022-06-13
feature: async library service execution
fix: fix settimeout misfires
fix: fix concurrent write panic in code service websocket lib
fix: fix deployment both sync to platform and sync to edge cannot be false fix
fix: allow cache retries on redis errors
Date: 2022-06-07
Date: 2022-06-03
feature: database monitoring endpoint
feature: two factor auth for users
feature: onnx cgo bindings
feature: have payload of trigger data created contain whole row
feature: add ability to monitor service runtime errors in BR tests
feature: node server
feature: two factor authentication for users
feature: add file permissions to role detail
enhancement: speed up service log fetching
enhancement: add node id and code version info to cbmeta object
enhancement: upgrade sqlite to 3 38
enhancement: include cbdevkit polyfills by default
enhancement: allow more typecasts and array literals in raw queries
enhancement: display edge type in connected edges modal
enhancement: updates to code settings form
enhancement: show code service stack trace and permissions errors in error response modal and failed runs modal
enhancement: upgrade to latest code service types for intellisense
fix: user roles trigger not firing when last role removed for user
fix: fix debug headers on code service http requests
Date: 2022-05-20
enhancement: use more reliable websocket library in code services
Date: 2022-04-29
enhancement: preloaded services overhaul
enhancement: remove preloaded checkbox in code service settings
fix: async upsert on platform does not sync to edge
Date: 2022-04-26
Date: 2022-04-26
Date: 2022-04-21
feature: websockets native library
feature: secrets management
feature: license enforcement for nodes edges systems
feature: allow deletion of developer accounts
enhancement: allow custom keepalive in mqtt native library
enhancement: upgrade mongo driver to 1
enhancement: make developer emails case insensitive
enhancement: allow collections and columns to be renamed
fix: fix logging undefined values code services
fix: clearblade async create timer with repeats causes error
fix: edge fails to send latest upgrade status on platform reconnect
fix: enforce unique users and roles
fix: creating device or user crashes page if newly created item is not within first page of query results
Date: 2022-03-28
Date: 2022-03-21
Date: 2022-03-17
Key notes:
The Saturn Nebula (NGC7009) appears as a series of pink and blue, Saturn-shaped bubbles. It was discovered by William Herschel on September 7, 1782 and located 5000 light-years away in the Aquarius constellation.

Key Store
ClearBlade IoT solutions running on a regular basis need to integrate with third-party software solutions to share data, integrate workflow and enable real-time capabilities. The new key store feature can securely store credentials used to access these systems by encrypting and hiding from both untrusted external eyes and internal developers who only have “need to know” permissions.
A ClearBlade service can now be a producer or consumer and scale-up without complex DevOps activities as your IoT workload increases. As a result, MQTT converters using Flink or heavy Java processes are required to implement your producers and consumers in an existing Kafka cluster.
Data Transactions
Transactional capabilities of underlying databases for rolling back partial writes and ensuring integrity are now available for developers. ClearBlade’s Data as a Service interface allows for developers to abstractly perform traditional transactions.
feature: add raw query transactions to services
enhancement: allow per service log ttls
enhancement: allow boolean typecasts raw sql queries
enhancement: show timers without services grafana stats
enhancement: optimize large publishes from services using async mqtt lib
enhancement: add cbmeta object to services
enhancement: stream service log optimizations
fix: fix notification tables cleanup query
fix: fix syntax errors code services showing the wrong line number
fix: services with auto restart will no longer swallow errors
fix: fix edgeHandleManager panic
Date: 2022-02-17
feature: edge monitoring
feature: add edge types
feature: BETA nodejs socket support in services
feature: add sync schema only to deployments
fix: assets sync when e2p and p2e are false
fix: fix admin panel querying
fix: fix panic in GetPKForTable during deletes on mangled tables
fix: unable to set boolean column to false in console
fix: bucket set file upload reads file as data url
fix: missing add new bucket set in zero state
fix: collection count in deployments not counting sync schema only assets
Date: 2022-01-28
feature: custom collection sync
feature: make files first class objects
feature: add roles changed trigge
feature: improve cb
feature: ui for files as first class objects
enhancement: properly print objects passed to resp in services
fix: preloaded services dont honor runas user
fix: fix toml file help
Date: 2022-01-26
fix: files not displayed for adapters after updating
Date: 2022-01-13
feature: add support for UserRoles trigger
fix: toggle from other concurrency to infinite concurrency broken
Date: 2022-01-11
feature: add roles changed trigge
fix: preloaded services dont honor runas user
Date: 2022-01-06
enhancement: rpc and sync performance fixes
fix: fix edge crashes on armv7
fix: mongo command parser fails for nested arrays
Date: 2021-12-08
feature: improve cb
feature: onnx ai inference support
feature: add ClearBladeAsync intellisense to code editor
feature: add ui for raw query functionality
feature: ui for mqtt and http throttling
feature: ui for enabled and disabled systems
enhancement: add apis to write files into bucket sets
enhancement: always show devs and owners in system info access
fix: all dev data omits devs with no systems
fix: fix more pq malformed array error cases
fix: setprofiling subcommand hangs
Date: 2021-11-11
fix: fix pq malformed array error when using arrays in queries from services
Date: 2021-10-27
fix: fix disabled timers and triggers reset after platform restart
Date: 2021-10-22
Date: 2021-10-22
feature: add all users and devices endpoint
feature: throttling
enhancement: sql parser improvements
enhancement: add caller info to req object when using runas user
enhancement: add async users
enhancement: default max log size when using log files to 50MB
enhancement: code service logging prefers custom toString functions on objects
enhancement: handle disabled systems better
fix: fix initial deploy errors sometimes not being caught
fix: dont let admins or devs get throttled
fix: bucket trigger has incorrect topic in payload
fix: non existent library can be added to a code service
fix: creating device or user crashes page if newly created item is not within first page of query results
Date: 2022-04-13
fix: creating device or user crashes page if newly created item is not within first page of query results
Date: 2021-09-28
Date: 2021-09-23
Key notes:
The Carina Nebula (NGC3372) is a giant star-forming region located in the southern sky and it’s light is formed from 3 different filters tracing emission from oxygen, hydrogen, and sulfur. It is home to Eta Carinae, one of the most massive and luminous stars known.

Native Library Support for Edges, Adapters & Deployments
These new APIs and endpoints not only expand the flexibility of solutions that developers can build but enable Intelligent Assets to put the control into the hands of operational teams.
External Database for Google BigQuery Capabalities
The standard BigQuery interface has been expanded to include full external database support. Now data can move seamlessly from IoT devices directly into Google Cloud and then be manipulated within the normal IoT processing. The capability reduces issues and expense for database administrators and data scientists who need centralized data and formats to get their tasks done.
AWS S3 Support for File Management
AWS S3 allows for files to be directly accessed, created, and updated into your S3 environment. The automatic synchronization between edge to cloud means that all of those logs and videos immediately go to the files users need them in.
feature: edge ota auto upgrade
feature: s3 file support
feature: make connected nodes endpoint admin or dev
feature: make fetching google storage settings dev and admin
feature: add ability to dynamically load js libraries
feature: implement UI for S3 file management
feature: ui for edge ota auto upgrade
enhancement: periodically print rpc byte counts
fix: allow cache retries on redis errors
fix: avoid panics on unsupported rpc messages
fix: concurrent map writes when syncing files
fix: page crashes when selecting google storage for deployment
Date: 2022-06-10
fix: allow cache retries on redis errors
Date: 2022-02-28
Date: 2021-08-12
feature: add collection deploy option to only deploy schema
feature: allow changing configs without restart
feature: add read file endpoint for ia
enhancement: add insert operation for bigquery
enhancement: added systemkey to checkauth response
fix: remove unused deploy table option
fix: timer custom frequency missing seconds and other intervals
fix: messages not displayed in test topic tab when subscribed to wildcard
Date: 2021-08-11
fix: rpc segmentation manager causing panic
fix: fix collection bigints overflowing when fetched from service
Date: 2021-07-27
fix: fix cluster nodes not waiting for db migrations
Date: 2021-07-26
fix: fix mongo connection limit
fix: wait for message has misleading error message
fix: when we find inconsistency we fail instead of fixing it
fix: fix service cache deadlock
Date: 2021-07-09
Key notes:
The Orion Nebula (Messier 42) is located in the Orion constellation and is 1,500 light years away. Due to it’s brightness and closest large star-forming region to Earth, it can be seen with the naked eye.

File Management Page The File page displays file trees and meta data for stored deployment files in platform and edge. There is also the option to store files in Google and local buckets on the deployment page and admin page.

Enabling and Disabling Timers and Triggers
There is now an option to disable timers and triggers using the disabled
field in the object. Setting the disabled
field to true
will not schedule the timer or fire the trigger.
feature: add ability to set anon token ttl
feature: allow timers and triggers to be disabled
feature: clear proof
feature: clear proof
feature: clear proof
feature: clear proof
feature: child process execSync support in services on edge
feature: make infinite an option for ttl in shared caches
feature: bucket viewer
feature: add user permissions for new adapter endpoints
feature: add new edge linux install script
enhancement: optimize rpc encode decode
enhancement: service cache optimizations
enhancement: upgrade sqlite package
enhancement: add adapter support to native libraries
enhancement: allow for setting anon token ttl separate from user token ttl
enhancement: allow for enabling and disabling triggers and timers
enhancement: add feature flag to hide system export button
fix: jsonb data returned as string on sqlite
fix: require existing service on trigger create
fix: changing device to svc acct breaks edge auth
fix: scrollbars cause page to shake on customer instances
fix: inputs with other dont allow empty value
Date: 2021-06-30
Date: 2021-06-24
enhancement: add bson primitive types to push json
Date: 2021-06-23
enhancement: add support for bson primitive types in push json
fix: fix timer updates with zero repeats
fix: node uuid mismatch after cluster restart
Date: 2021-05-19
enhancement: add time
fix: fix cannot add permissions when permissions already exist error
Date: 2021-05-03
fix: fix concurrent map read write in db syncers
Date: 2021-04-30
Date: 2021-04-30
enhancement: add keepalive response for e2p comm
enhancement: add initd support for edge ota upgrade
fix: fix column name for sync errors table
Date: 2021-04-14
enhancement: correct adapter endpoints
fix: fix concurrent map panic in messaging setTimeout
fix: fix mqtt library clients not receiving messages on shared subscriptions
Date: 2021-04-05
Key notes:
The Helix Nebula also called “Eye of God” is a planetary nebula and was discovered just around 1824 by Karl Ludwig Harding. It is the closest to earth of all bright nebula and was erroneously named for its resemblance to gas-giant planets.

Preloaded Services
Micro Services invoked very frequently can be converted into preloaded using this feature. It improves the performance at least by 3X.
feature: remove lock lock check on cache locks so async javascript works
feature: clear proof
feature: restrict message history by topic path
feature: preloaded services
feature: add logging categories
feature: add async http library
feature: gzip header for http endpoints
feature: deploy sync v2
feature: add preload toggle to service
feature: create IA customer version endpoint
enhancement: allow user access to adapter endpoints
enhancement: delay starting servers and services until after platform initializes
enhancement: add edge support to clearblade async library
enhancement: add trigger and timer support to clearblade async library
enhancement: add cache support to clearblade async library
enhancement: add roles and perms support to clearblade async library
enhancement: add user support to clearblade async library
enhancement: make refresh token flow oauth2 compliant
enhancement: add device support to clearblade async library
enhancement: message history storage by topic
fix: fix cannot add permissions when permissions already exist error
fix: preloaded service does not start when autobalance is false
fix: fix incorrect default values in code meta table
fix: use email as asset id for users in deployment settings
Date: 2021-09-17
Date: 2021-05-19
fix: fix cannot add permissions when permissions already exist error
Date: 2021-03-24
enhancement: add add config for changing mongo pool size
fix: fix prometheus not decrementing timers with finite iterations
Date: 2021-03-23
fix: fix elevated rate of tcp keep alive packets
Date: 2021-03-15
feature: create IA customer version endpoint
fix: use email as asset id for users in deployment settings
Date: 2021-03-03
fix: sqlite update returns incorrect results
fix: adaptor updates dont sync
Date: 2021-02-23
fix: user columns not synced on initial deploy
fix: sync fails for collection with all edges edge group
Date: 2021-02-18
enhancement: upgrade mongo go driver
fix: fix incorrect default values in code meta table
Date: 2021-02-11
fix: handle new auth error object
Date: 2021-01-29
enhancement: recognize proxy protocol
Date: 2021-01-26
fix: fix user auth service bad json marshalling
Date: 2021-01-26
fix: fix deploy for sync
Date: 2021-01-20
fix: adaptors deploy after every edge reconnect
fix: fix collection unidirectional sync
fix: phantom service on asset monitor environment
fix: fix panic on timer token column migration
Date: 2021-01-15
fix: fix successful and failed api requests swapped grafana
Date: 2021-01-14
fix: fix error collecting user data in systems starting with a number
Date: 2021-01-08
fix: fix deadlock code service logging
Date: 2021-01-08
Key notes:
The Omega Nebula, also known as the Swan Nebula, was discovered in 1745 by the Swiss astronomer Jean-Philippe Loys de Chéseaux and is one of the largest star-forming regions in the Milky Way galaxy.
You can find more information about the nebula here

Collections now supports the new column type “jsonb”. This will enable users to store json values in the database tables and query based on keys (for objects) or indexes (for arrays).
Upsert Functionality
In addition to JSON column support, collections also now support the upsert function. This prevents two different services from updating a row at the same time or creating duplicate rows.
Deploy Sync
Edge and Deployment sync statuses can now be monitored using a REST API endpoint. There is also an endpoint available to retry a failed deployment sync. This allows for sync status to be monitored real time and respond faster to a sync fail.
Google Buckets for File Management
Users can perform file management on Google Buckets and perform file operations within a code service.
feature: add ability to get userid from token in js api
feature: allow js readdir to read non bucket directory
feature: add json column support for collections
feature: google buckets for file management
feature: edge incompatibility notifications
feature: add ability to retry sync
feature: fully implement list indexes
feature: support for jsonb columns
enhancement: print absolute db path edge startupfo
enhancement: optimize edge process
enhancement: event loop optimizations
enhancement: add config options to edge handshake
enhancement: improve sync optimizations
enhancement: populate edge cache on init
fix: optimizations for code logs
fix: recreated adaptor deploys to edge even if absent from deployment
fix: fix panic on user query with columns from service
fix: fixed owner not appearing admin table if owner is disabled
fix: trigger data topics are confusing
fix: create edge specifications table
fix: timers dont start at expected time after node restarts
Date: 2020-12-16
enhancement: improve duktape error handling
Date: 2020-12-10
enhancement: event loop optimizations
enhancement: change default log level to debug
fix: code services fail to deploy
fix: fix edge upgrade init system detection
fix: fix device service account sessions getting deleted when also updating active key
fix: add mqtt over http endpoint to edge
Date: 2020-11-11
fix: fix base64d strings mysql query response services
Date: 2020-11-11
fix: asset monitor doesnt load on firefox without content type header
fix: firefox fails to parse asset monitor gzip without content type header
Date: 2020-11-09
enhancement: prioritize service garbage collection
fix: fix concurrent map read
Date: 2020-11-02
enhancement: add lock support to async clearblade library
enhancement: update sql parser to allow expressions before json operators
Date: 2020-10-30
enhancement: update sql parser to escape single quotes properly
enhancement: add manual gc to services
fix: timers dont start at expected time after node restarts
Date: 2020-10-28
fix: fix duktape valstack limit crash
fix: table aliases in columns clause do not workto master
Date: 2020-10-14
feature: remove and show constraints
feature: deployment and sync monitoring
feature: add upsert functionality
feature: sync file contents
feature: add support for unique index and index columns
enhancement: remove deprecated metrics package and api
enhancement: remove unused triage processors
enhancement: add config and subcommand for no logging
enhancement: more logging for sync dispatcher
fix: fixvalid json on code service http response
fix: make 50 code executors shrink and expand as necessary
Date: 2020-09-25
Key notes:
The Ring Nebula was discovered by French astronomer Antoine Darquier de Pellepoix in 1779 and gets it shape from a dying red giant star exploding into a ring of ionized gas.
You can find more information about the nebula here

File Management
File management allows for binary, log, configuration, etc. files to be easily moved, read, and processed between the edges and platform. This can be done using our Native Libraries API in a code service.
Async Library The ClearBlade Async library works with the event loop to provide asynchronous ClearBlade functions.
MQTT Library The MQTT library allows users to connect to any external broker or to the internal broker for the same system.
The ClearBlade Native Library now supports the Big Query External Database. The database operations can be performed using the performOperation
Asset Monitor v2 A new Asset Monitor version is now available with UI/UX updates. Major highlights include:
No-coding capabilities for themes to allow for easier customization for branding.
Parent-child hierarchical relationships using Asset and Asset Type Trees to make data asset management easier and cleaner.
Java SDK Device and user authentication is now supported using Java SDK. This allows for more flexibility in authentication. Improving usability by adding more templates for the SDK usage.
Edge Management Edges can be deployed using
scripts on Linux based operating systems as long as they supportinitd
. The following operating systems have been verified:RHEL 6 & 7
Centos 6 & 7
Debian 9 & above.

This allows for the edges to restart on device reboots.
Date: 2020-09-25
feature: add no auth option for webhooks
enhancement: allow webhooks with no auth
fix: fix service caches cannot affect resource even with valid permissions
Date: 2020-09-24
feature: register user for asset monitor
fix: fix promise resolve not following thenable values
Date: 2020-09-21
enhancement: disable stats collection by default
Date: 2020-09-16
fix: user cannot retrieve own info
fix: update to latest gosdk to fix asset monitor user getting their own info
Date: 2020-09-15
Date: 2020-09-15
feature: sync file metadata
feature: buckets as first class object
feature: forgot password
enhancement: expose external mqtt connect and disconnect hooks to services
enhancement: make lrs buffer logs more readable
enhancement: allow deleting all failed runs
enhancement: prevent deleting libraries if service depends on them
enhancement: add base85 encoding option for http lib responses
enhancement: allow users to view their own roles and info without specific permission
enhancement: reduce duplicated code storage in db
enhancement: device key generated for update key
fix: autobalance euid issues causing services not to start
Date: 2020-09-14
enhancement: support IN operator within db queries
Date: 2020-09-04
enhancement: support binary mqtt payloads in services
Date: 2020-08-31
fix: fix event loop causing phantom services
Date: 2020-08-24
enhancement: start edge servers before syncing adapters
fix: edge not able to sync due to session errors
fix: fix duplicate client ids losing subscriptions
fix: duplicate timers on edge after sync of changes
Date: 2020-08-13
enhancement: add async query functions to match clearblade lib and add async collection count
fix: fix failed runs not returning error details
fix: revert service start times to old unix number
Date: 2020-08-11
Date: 2020-08-11
enhancement: allow collection delete all
fix: duplicate timers in timer queue should not happen
fix: fix multiple redialers on edge disconnect
Date: 2020-08-05
feature: triggers for file operations
fix: serialize register developer to prevent duplicate emails
fix: trigger lookup performs poorly
fix: download csv hashtag fix
Date: 2020-08-03
fix: dont type cast return values for external databases
Date: 2020-07-31
fix: fix eventloop goroutine leak
Date: 2020-07-29
fix: returned data not parsed correctly for external sql databases
Date: 2020-07-24
fix: fix device query not parsing correctly in code services
Date: 2020-07-24
fix: topic permissions not updated in real time
Date: 2020-07-22
fix: fix js query object regressions
Date: 2020-07-22
Date: 2020-07-20
feature: google bigquery integration
feature: connect to external mqtt brokers in code services
feature: change wait message to retry where possible
feature: add json column support
feature: async clearblade library databases
feature: async mqtt library
feature: async clearblade library
feature: one more lock optimization
feature: one more lock optimization
feature: add role management to clearblade js
feature: add support for bigquery
enhancement: update prometheus exporters
enhancement: disallow auto balance with invalid concurrency
enhancement: optimize sync queues
enhancement: clearer form widget draggable layout
enhancement: add alternative edge startup copy command for non tls
enhancement: conditionally color rows in crud grif
fix: duplicate timers in timer queue should not happen
fix: fix multiple redialers on edge disconnect
fix: remove adapter and adapter file undeploy optimizations
fix: mongo find without limit causes oom
fix: blade runner per statement ignore failure not implemented correctly
fix: fix admin panel not showing newly created systems
fix: broker not respecting leading and trailing slashes
fix: fix orphaned stream services becoming phantoms
fix: dont crash when mqtt client is nil
fix: layout changes erroneously
fix: auto bounds setting on Scatter plot doesnt consider Std
fix: test parser button updates original datasource
Date: 2020-08-11
fix: duplicate timers in timer queue should not happen
fix: fix multiple redialers on edge disconnect
Date: 2020-07-17
fix: do not deploy collection data if not syncing to edge
fix: fix possible unbounded query on collections
fix: add max limit for edge name length
fix: fix failed edge rpc keepalive not triggering redialer
fix: fix raw db queries on edge returning base64 instead of strings
Date: 2020-07-01
fix: fix share groups containing old client info after node bounce in cluster
fix: cleanup old node connections on connect
Date: 2020-06-29
Key notes:
The Eagle Nebula is a 5.5 million-year-old cloud of interstellar gas and dust that is 7000 light-years from Earth. It was discovered by Swiss astronomer Philippe Loys de Chéseaux and rediscovered by Charles Messier as “M16” to be a part of his catalog.

You can find more information about the nebula here
This feature allows an asset to be deployed from platform to edge at edge start up. There are 2 sync options that can be used:
Sync to Edge - An asset is deployed, and then any future change on Platform will be synced with ALL selected Edges.
Sync to Platform - An asset is deployed, and then any future change on an Edge will be synced with the platform only. A change to one Edge will no longer sync to other Edges.
Refresh tokens gives new access tokens without an username and passwords. This allows devices the ability to get a new access token when its current token expires without reauthentication.

Developers can now perform role and permission management natively using PlatformSDK. This includes creating roles, assigning roles to user/device, increasing/decreasing permissions, etc.
Event topics allows for greater scalability when handling stream service events by allowing the platform to send a MQTT message for each event.
Newly added JWT tokens are returned when a user/developer/device is authenticated to enhance account security.
The setTimeout()
and setInterval()
Javascript functions, as well as promises, are now available natively. The functions allow for callbacks executions to be scheduled.
Timers can now be managed on the Timers page in a system. The configuration is the same as the Timers tab on the Code Services page. The new page will help identify which timers are tied to a service and which ones are not.

Date: 2020-06-10
Date: 2020-06-09
fix: do not broadcast every wait queue changed
Date: 2020-06-09
fix: fix timers triggers services prometheus exporters sometimes not exporting
Date: 2020-06-08
fix: redis optimizations
Date: 2020-06-05
fix: forward lock changes directly
fix: cleanup locks from dead node
Date: 2020-06-03
enhancement: periodically bump distributed lock queues to prevent getting stuck
Date: 2020-05-29
enhancement: increase redis read timeout
fix: deep copy rpc response maps
fix: fix panic on nil device store
fix: initialize rpc client for kill client request
fix: fix unhandled mongo errors
Date: 2020-05-28
Date: 2020-05-27
feature: optimize edge syncing
feature: option to kill old clients on duplicate connects
feature: improve subscribe unsubscribe performance
feature: add service support for setTimeout setInterval and promises
feature: delete filtered set
feature: refresh tokens ui
enhancement: enable wal journal on edge db connections
enhancement: smarter cache operations on device update
enhancement: add segmented rpc packet transfer support
enhancement: disallow overlapping assets in deployments
enhancement: changed per item and overall labels in role detail page
enhancement: add loading indicator when refreshing currently running code service instances
enhancement: improve design for button load
enhancement: ability to clear the received messages window
enhancement: allow custom add and filter modals for crud grid
fix: rpc response channels deleted on edge disconnect
fix: fix stream service errors not being reported as failed runs
fix: lrs logs service id does not match request object service id
fix: fix message history failing to insert with postgres max parameters error
fix: fix mqtt prometheus metrics not being reported
fix: fix nil pointer in code service
fix: on scatterplot auto bounds checkbox moves upper bound but not lower bound
fix: widget error boundaries freeze portals
fix: forms onupdate called multiple times on load
fix: dynamically configuring date picker wrong disabled dates
fix: portal logout issue
fix: disable topic subscription if no topics selected
fix: grid widget calculated parser for fetch grid data never executes
Date: 2020-05-19
feature: improve subscribe unsubscribe performance
Date: 2020-05-15
enhancement: add timeouts to mongo operations
fix: too many redis calls in mqtt connect disconnect process
fix: fix service subscriptions hash not matching empty string
fix: code log delete error on sqlite
fix: service logs not deleted on delete
Date: 2020-05-06
fix: fix nodeup uid race
Date: 2020-05-04
Date: 2020-04-30
fix: permissions check not implemented for external db operations
Date: 2020-04-29
fix: fix race between timer and code service initialization
Date: 2020-04-29
feature: unidirectional sync
feature: unidirectional sync
enhancement: better crud grid search controls
fix: updating datasource asset name changes ds name to tempDatasource
fix: form number fields error on firefox
fix: radial gauge widget errors out on initial render and fill color only responds to previous value
fix: update webhook url on edge
fix: admin removing dev loading ui confusing
fix: parser changes cleared after save and discard changes
Date: 2020-04-22
fix: fix messaging failing to forward after node down events
Date: 2020-04-17
enhancement: add legacy token support for mqtt auth
Date: 2020-04-16
fix: fix deadlock in broker
Date: 2020-04-15
Date: 2020-04-15
fix: fix code services not receiving messages on wildcard topics
Date: 2020-04-14
feature: refresh tokens
feature: timers send mqtt messages
feature: allow services to be notified when trigger occurs
feature: sleep function for clearblade js
feature: timers page
feature: add runtime flag for custom docs url
enhancement: add index on device table name column
enhancement: send all service errors to failed runs
enhancement: remove unnecessary adapter redeploys on deployment updates
fix: kill running services when service is deleted
fix: topic tree concurrent map read write
fix: fix audit trail not showing adapter file name
fix: fix roles perms indexes not being created for new systems
fix: UI error after system deleted
fix: Firefox disabled inputs in crud grid prevent highlight event
fix: crud grid search query clear
fix: fix registration email not being sent
fix: example icon link in lists no longer valid
fix: units not accessible to standalone radial gauge
Date: 2020-04-10
enhancement: dont send trigger messages for message publish events
enhancement: add async function for performOperation
fix: fix server startup process
Date: 2020-04-03
feature: add runtime flag for custom docs url
fix: fix registration email not being sent
fix: example icon link in lists no longer valid
fix: units not accessible to standalone radial gauge
Date: 2020-04-03
Key notes:
This feature allows for bi-directional streaming into any database, with full functionality, this includes relational, document, warehouse, and cloud offering. Users can implement this in ClearBlade using the External Databases functionality.

Developers can now run raw queries on platform and edge. The queries can run against collections, user, and device tables. The new raw queries supports all SQL operations such as JOIN, LIKE, GROUP BY, ORDER BY, etc which were not supported by ClearBlade’s old query model.
New customizable service responses that can be interoperated with existing APIs and webhooks.

Asset monitoring is a solution template within ClearBlade that is designed to be customizable for various monitoring and tracking use-cases. It gives the ability to monitor and track assets and alert when an action is performed

Audit trail is a record of who made changes, when the changes were made, and what type of changes were made in a system. The purpose of the audit trail is to view the history of changes when a question arises.
Developers can now utilize two factor authentication (SMS and email) when signing up and logging in to a ClearBlade account. This improves security of ClearBlade developer accounts

feature: allow services to be notified when trigger occurs
feature: cache interface change and use redis shared cache
feature: external database operations redesign
feature: locking for shared cache
feature: two factor authentication
feature: allow service response customization
feature: external db ui
feature: two factor auth
feature: audit trail pages
feature: users can be managed from a portal
enhancement: add indexes to roles and perms tables
enhancement: add line numbers to runtime errors in services
enhancement: add support for multiple share groups on shared topic subscriptions
enhancement: create way for react components in HTML widget to hook into the portal React tree
enhancement: update github auth mechanism
enhancement: remove count of api requests and messages in admin panel
enhancement: relabel collections to data
enhancement: improved UI for filter modal
enhancement: better default parsers for crud grid
enhancement: scroll indicator
enhancement: update clearbladejs server types with new custom response methods
enhancement: allow import and csv export on console tables
enhancement: update docs link in shared cache tooltip
fix: fix raw query offset and limit
fix: redis get of non existent key returns success
fix: upgrades not performed when nodes bounce once at startup
fix: dont allow service accounts to log out
fix: sync does not complete if edge disconnects mid operation
fix: adapter deploy times out on initial ingress
fix: not checking for empty message closed channel rpc
fix: edge upgrade fails due to busy port
fix: panic on async update error
fix: unable to delete using db exec
fix: adapter files dont sync
fix: removed failed runs after service delete
fix: device and user service account sessions not stored correctly for sync
fix: log stderr stdin for adapter scripts
fix: replace tokens with user types in timers table
fix: fix mqtt sessions storage performance issues
fix: users should not see svc acct tokensto master
fix: fix role save error
fix: admin panel removing developer removes wrong one
fix: update adapter doesnt update until clicked twice
fix: dynamic form layout inherits from small
fix: comparison operators not displaying in collection filter modal
fix: allow uuid type changed to empty
fix: csv export json values
fix: generated crud service for fetch cannot reach code
fix: portals login showing full error JSON
fix: sort removes filter
fix: extra fields in datasource json
fix: portal internal resource order not maintained
fix: latest data for datasource modal doesnt show data
fix: highlight shared cache list item when on shared cache page
fix: fix export to github
fix: radial gauges stuck short in form widget
fix: chart recommendations crashes widget editor on empty dataset
Date: 2020-03-26
Date: 2020-03-26
feature: allow services to be notified when trigger occurs
feature: cache interface change and use redis shared cache
feature: external database operations redesign
feature: locking for shared cache
feature: external db ui
enhancement: create way for react components in HTML widget to hook into the portal React tree
enhancement: update github auth mechanism
fix: redis get of non existent key returns success
fix: fix role save error
fix: admin panel removing developer removes wrong one
fix: update adapter doesnt update until clicked twice
fix: dynamic form layout inherits from small
Date: 2020-03-24
fix: fix raw query offset and limit
fix: upgrades not performed when nodes bounce once at startup
Date: 2020-03-16
feature: two factor authentication
feature: two factor auth
enhancement: remove unnecessary adapter redeploys on deployment updates
enhancement: remove count of api requests and messages in admin panel
enhancement: relabel collections to data
enhancement: improved UI for filter modal
enhancement: better default parsers for crud grid
enhancement: scroll indicator
enhancement: update clearbladejs server types with new custom response methods
fix: edge crash due to triggers on undeploy
fix: dont allow service accounts to log out
fix: unable to delete using db exec
fix: comparison operators not displaying in collection filter modal
fix: allow uuid type changed to empty
fix: csv export json values
fix: generated crud service for fetch cannot reach code
fix: portals login showing full error JSON
fix: sort removes filter
Date: 2020-04-14
enhancement: remove unnecessary adapter redeploys on deployment updates
Date: 2020-03-20
fix: edge crash due to triggers on undeploy
Date: 2020-03-08
fix: sync does not complete if edge disconnects mid operation
Date: 2020-03-05
fix: adapter deploy times out on initial ingress
fix: not checking for empty message closed channel rpc
fix: edge upgrade fails due to busy port
Date: 2020-03-02
fix: panic on async update error
Date: 2020-02-18
fix: adapter files dont sync
fix: removed failed runs after service delete
fix: device and user service account sessions not stored correctly for sync
fix: log stderr stdin for adapter scripts
Date: 2020-02-06
Key notes:
Performance improvements for several internal tables
Date: 2020-01-31
Key notes:
Data Model v2 Beta Release allows developers to run raw SQL queries against collections, user, and device table, using JOIN, GROUP BY, and more.
⚠️ An Edge upgrading to this version requires DB Migration:
sqlite3 edgeusers.db ".dump" | sqlite3 edge.db
⚠️ An On-Prem Platform upgrading to this version requires DB Migration:
docker exec -i cb_postgres /bin/ash -c "pg_dump -U postgres userdata | psql -U postgres admin"
feature: allow service response customization
feature: audit trail pages
feature: users can be managed from a portal
enhancement: add line numbers to runtime errors in services
enhancement: add support for multiple share groups on shared topic subscriptions
enhancement: allow import and csv export on console tables
enhancement: update docs link in shared cache tooltip
fix: replace tokens with user types in timers table
fix: extra fields in datasource json
fix: portal internal resource order not maintained
fix: latest data for datasource modal doesnt show data
fix: highlight shared cache list item when on shared cache page
fix: fix export to github
fix: radial gauges stuck short in form widget
fix: chart recommendations crashes widget editor on empty dataset
Date: 2020-01-28
enhancement: add indexes to roles and perms tables
Date: 2020-01-24
fix: fix mqtt sessions storage performance issues
Date: 2020-01-16
fix: users should not see svc acct tokensto master
Date: 2020-01-10
Key notes:
Service Accounts
A developer can use Service Accounts to configure authentication for adapters, applications, and integrations. This allows for custom time-to-live for individual accounts.Code Service Version Control
A developer can leverage version control to view diffs of a code service or library

feature: view currently connected devices
feature: allow users to manage users
feature: service token UI
feature: code service and library version and diff view ui
feature: do not export collection data option
feature: user management in roles page
feature: dynamic types for portal intellisense
feature: more options for input widget
feature: add previous datasource data to parsers and datasource subscription callbacks
feature: dynamic widget settings through overrideSettings
feature: add support for custom favicon in build process
enhancement: catch panics caused by rogue services
enhancement: global analytics improvements
enhancement: service account feedback
enhancement: version diff feedback
enhancement: overrideSettings type help
enhancement: hide widget settings not available
enhancement: better datasource error visibility
enhancement: auto fill datasource name
enhancement: show widget tooltips on top of widget even when inside pane
enhancement: show no internet connection error
enhancement: typeahead for crud widget default sort
enhancement: change default colors for graphs inside portal
enhancement: update landing page to have new clearblade colors
enhancement: update landing page to have new clearblade colors
fix: sync queue optimizer leak
fix: sync queue optimizer leak
fix: fix user permissions sometimes incorrectly read in code services
fix: fix edge silently failing when ports are in use
fix: fix triggers bypassing admin only topic restrictions
fix: daisy chained timers that run immediately can get dropped
fix: do not delete daisy chain timers on platform restart
fix: add locking to shared cache and redo cache structure
fix: invalid json error for cache getAll function
fix: invalid uuid errors due to incorrect parsing
fix: cache get always returns string
fix: add check for parsers formatted by prettier
fix: import system from template returns incorrect format
fix: export system throws too many open files error
fix: too many open files when unzipping
fix: show error message when import system from file fails
fix: generated crud services doesnt include clearblade library
fix: falsy values not invoking datasource subscription callbacks
fix: adapter files upload contains invalid id key
fix: clicking edit html parser throws error
fix: setting a form list source to a local variable throws js error
fix: JSON editor modal button on form widget submits form and doesnt update field
fix: button group in form reorders instead of selects
fix: opening widget settings for form throws error
fix: adding dropdown options causes error in form widget
fix: handle unknown column types
fix: label italic font style fix
fix: address index
fix: dead link on landing page fix
Date: 2020-01-10
feature: service token UI
feature: code service and library version and diff view ui
enhancement: catch panics caused by rogue services
enhancement: service account feedback
enhancement: version diff feedback
enhancement: overrideSettings type help
enhancement: hide widget settings not available
fix: sync queue optimizer leak
fix: sync queue optimizer leak
fix: add check for parsers formatted by prettier
Date: 2019-12-23
feature: view currently connected devices
feature: allow users to manage users
feature: do not export collection data option
feature: user management in roles page
enhancement: global analytics improvements
enhancement: better datasource error visibility
enhancement: auto fill datasource name
enhancement: show widget tooltips on top of widget even when inside pane
enhancement: show no internet connection error
fix: fix user permissions sometimes incorrectly read in code services
fix: fix edge silently failing when ports are in use
fix: fix triggers bypassing admin only topic restrictions
fix: import system from template returns incorrect format
fix: export system throws too many open files error
fix: too many open files when unzipping
fix: show error message when import system from file fails
Date: 2019-12-18
Date: 2019-12-04
feature: dynamic types for portal intellisense
feature: more options for input widget
feature: add previous datasource data to parsers and datasource subscription callbacks
feature: dynamic widget settings through overrideSettings
feature: add support for custom favicon in build process
enhancement: typeahead for crud widget default sort
enhancement: change default colors for graphs inside portal
enhancement: update landing page to have new clearblade colors
enhancement: update landing page to have new clearblade colors
fix: daisy chained timers that run immediately can get dropped
fix: do not delete daisy chain timers on platform restart
fix: generated crud services doesnt include clearblade library
fix: falsy values not invoking datasource subscription callbacks
fix: adapter files upload contains invalid id key
fix: clicking edit html parser throws error
fix: setting a form list source to a local variable throws js error
fix: JSON editor modal button on form widget submits form and doesnt update field
fix: button group in form reorders instead of selects
fix: opening widget settings for form throws error
fix: adding dropdown options causes error in form widget
fix: handle unknown column types
fix: label italic font style fix
fix: address index
fix: dead link on landing page fix
Date: 2019-11-18
fix: add locking to shared cache and redo cache structure
Date: 2019-11-06
Date: 2019-11-05
Date: 2019-10-28
Date: 2019-10-25
fix: invalid json error for cache getAll function
Date: 2019-10-24
fix: invalid uuid errors due to incorrect parsing
fix: cache get always returns string
Date: 2019-10-18
Key notes:
Tasks Page
A page of specific tasks from microtutorials that developers can choose from. View Page.Code Templates
Developers now have ability to create code services from several templates, each with different optimizations, accelerating solution development.
Here are the options:Micro Service: A short-lived service which is expected to complete within a fixed period of time.
Stream Service: A service that does not have an execution timeout which allows for infinite execution of logic.
Configuration: A library that contains a key-value object to be used as constants.
Module: A library that contains a function which, when called, returns an object with a public API.
ClearBlade Sensor Message Spec
provides a framework for creating self-documenting sensor messages, which will allow developers to make leverage native code services for faster development of systems performing live data processing.
"$data": [
"name": "pump",
"amps": 244,
"last_update": "2019-09-04T17:57:16.875586669Z",
"location": { "latitude": 12.132233, "longitude": 123.1234 }
"$schema": {
"$id": "",
"$schema": "",
"required": ["name", "location"],
"properties": {
"name": { "type": "string", "description": "The device's name.", "units": "Lumens", "scaleFactor": 5.44 },
"amps": {
"type": "number",
"description": "Current in Amperes for the pump device",
"minimum": 0,
"maximum": 500
"last_update": { "type": "string", "format": "date-time" },
"location": {
"type": "object",
"required": ["latitude", "longitude"],
"properties": {
"latitude": { "type": "number", "minimum": -90, "maximum": 90 },
"longitude": { "type": "number", "minimum": -180, "maximum": 180 }
Azure Marketplace
ClearBlade Edge Module in Azure Marketplace allows ClearBlade to plug into Azure’s powerful ecosystem and Edge coordination architecture. ClearBlade Edge provides additional value to Azure users by providing best of breed Over-The-Air upgrades, message relays, and Data Visualization at the Edge. Go to Marketplace.

Remote Monitoring of Platform State
Users who maintain ClearBlade Platform environments now get real-time and historical metrics on the MQTT message broker, code services, active connections, timers, and trigger queues.

Shared Cache
Code Services now have access to an in-memory cache, allowing for 25% faster access to platform collections, and more than 10x faster access for remote databases.Webhooks
ClearBlade Developers can now make use of inbound 3rd party integrations through Webhooks, each functions as a triggers for code service to process the message.Timer Performance
Timers now scale across nodes in a cluster, allowing for 3x number of timers on our default deployments.Adapter Parameter Variables
Adapter Parameter Variables allow for easier maintainability of adapters, allowing system-specific variables like System Key, to be referenced for easier install from IoT Package ManagerPortal Layout Update
The following are changes that have been made to the partal layout:Widget names
Name your widgets to make them easily identifiable
Widget name will show up in parser errors to make it easier to identify which widget caused the issue
Edit widgets directly on the page (no more editing widgets in isolation)
Add datasources and other assets while editing a widget
Quick add for widgets, datasources, pages, etc.
Add widgets by dragging them onto the portal or by using the quick add feature
Widgets can live directly on the page, panes are no longer a necessity
Drag widgets between different grids - pane grids, page grids, header grid, hamburger menu grid, etc. (drag between pages coming soon)
Simplified screen size breakpoint editor
Show list of widgets in menu
Menu docked to left side of the screen
Improved parser editor
Tabs for HTML widgets
cmd+s to execute the parser and see your changes
Hide widget and pane resize handle/toolbar buttons until user hovers over the widget/pane
Control the padding of grids via settings and theme (allows for widgets to take up the full width and height of a page/grid)
More granular control of width and height for widgets
Improved dragging of input/button widgets
Click/focus events are no longer blocked (this is helpful for input widgets and interacting with modal buttons while in edit mode) Collapse

feature: more blade runner tests
feature: developer audit trail
feature: triage endpoint for remote monitoring
feature: webhook support
feature: change log levels at runtime
feature: shared code service caches
feature: add mqtt connection triage information
feature: add option to not write triage messages to logs
feature: add cb stack features to clearblade dump stack and edge dump stack
feature: add option to not dump stack when perform triage is true
feature: allow only admin to subscribe to triage topics
feature: predefined variables available to adapter commands
feature: correct line numbers in js errors
feature: show long running service logs
feature: show long running service logs
feature: add option to disable html string sanitization in grid and form
feature: configurable UTC or local timestamp option for console
feature: web hooks ui
feature: add groups to columns for crud widget
feature: shared cache ui
feature: groupName option in typeaheads and inputType now typeahead
feature: time format option in daate picker on the crudgrid and form widgets
enhancement: use http for subcommands to increase reliability
enhancement: added cb audit to view audit trail
enhancement: delete all inaccessible code logs
enhancement: optimize sync runtime
enhancement: optimize sync runtime
enhancement: optimize mongo count and select operations
enhancement: optimize mongo count and select operations
enhancement: update edge config help output
enhancement: update parser comments with better documentation about entry point
enhancement: improvement of copy button for webhook
enhancement: implement formik validation into portal login and signup
enhancement: new registration email flow
enhancement: warning on dragging dynamically created form fields
enhancement: use shift to select multiple rows
enhancement: change docs links versions from 3 to 4
enhancement: warnings for overridden settings in form and crud grid
enhancement: CRUD widget custom cell validation and removal of TABLE
enhancement: sanitize html fields for user
enhancement: apply search placeholder text for add system modal in template tab
fix: stream service logger panic during max concurrency
fix: cache get always returns string
fix: health info delete query causes oom
fix: webhooks are not deleted when a service is deleted
fix: connect collection crud broken in code services
fix: cannot insert update or delete data for connect collections
fix: fix autodeletion failing on massive tables
fix: fix autodeletion failing on massive tables
fix: fixed password error message spelling
fix: cannot insert update or delete data for connect collections
fix: graceful failure for failed runs endpoint
fix: distribute and load balance timer execution
fix: edge not creating code logs table correctly
fix: edge not creating code logs table correctly
fix: dont allow duplicate edges to connect in a cluster
fix: check user device existence on authentication
fix: delete sessions on device and user delete
fix: service cache and webhooks dont deploy on initial edge ingress
fix: fix dot slash edge mishap
fix: upgrade code logs continue on error
fix: add raw query support for mongo count operation
fix: do not dump triage stacks in log file
fix: cb triage point to databases other than localhost
fix: add raw query support for mongo count operation
fix: need to limit number of active setTimeouts
fix: adapter may not get initially deployed correctly for new lts branchto lts
fix: adapter may not get initially deployed correctly
fix: fix panic from missing edge processor
fix: dragging widget occasionally causes unexpected behavior
fix: incorrect widget size in new modal
fix: broken links to native library docs
fix: deleting message topic permission fails if role detail page is loaded directly
fix: spacing issue between input field and button fix
fix: PUT request data for triggers fix
fix: ipm installation from suggestions freeze fix
fix: shared caches not deploying correctly
fix: array field onUpdate issues
fix: auto height with dynamic layout breaks
fix: clicking dynamic button group or dropdown shows cannot be updated error
fix: auto height with dynamic layout breaks
fix: clicking dynamic button group or dropdown shows cannot be updated error
fix: permissions modal selection
fix: add text to button in advanced tab on new system modal fix
fix: fix modal to display more descriptive text about action
fix: fix height of charts in form widget
fix: update dev password in admin panel
fix: crud grid widget using count as page size fix
fix: fix portal clone feature to fetch latest portal
Date: 2019-10-17
fix: cache get always returns string
Date: 2019-10-11
Date: 2019-10-09
Date: 2019-10-08
enhancement: use http for subcommands to increase reliability
fix: health info delete query causes oom
fix: dragging widget occasionally causes unexpected behavior
fix: incorrect widget size in new modal
fix: auto height with dynamic layout breaks
fix: clicking dynamic button group or dropdown shows cannot be updated error
Date: 2019-10-03
feature: more blade runner tests
feature: developer audit trail
feature: triage endpoint for remote monitoring
feature: add option to disable html string sanitization in grid and form
feature: configurable UTC or local timestamp option for console
enhancement: added cb audit to view audit trail
enhancement: update parser comments with better documentation about entry point
enhancement: improvement of copy button for webhook
fix: webhooks are not deleted when a service is deleted
fix: fix autodeletion failing on massive tables
fix: fixed password error message spelling
fix: cannot insert update or delete data for connect collections
fix: graceful failure for failed runs endpoint
fix: distribute and load balance timer execution
fix: broken links to native library docs
fix: deleting message topic permission fails if role detail page is loaded directly
fix: spacing issue between input field and button fix
fix: auto height with dynamic layout breaks
fix: clicking dynamic button group or dropdown shows cannot be updated error
Date: 2019-09-19
Key notes:
Anon authentication and authorization failures
Date: 2019-09-12
fix: connect collection crud broken in code services
Date: 2019-09-10
fix: cannot insert update or delete data for connect collections
fix: fix autodeletion failing on massive tables
fix: auto height with dynamic layout breaks
fix: clicking dynamic button group or dropdown shows cannot be updated error
Date: 2019-08-29
feature: web hooks ui
feature: add groups to columns for crud widget
enhancement: delete all inaccessible code logs
enhancement: optimize sync runtime
enhancement: optimize mongo count and select operations
enhancement: implement formik validation into portal login and signup
enhancement: new registration email flow
fix: edge not creating code logs table correctly
fix: add raw query support for mongo count operation
fix: adapter may not get initially deployed correctly for new lts branchto lts
fix: fix panic from missing edge processor
fix: PUT request data for triggers fix
fix: ipm installation from suggestions freeze fix
fix: shared caches not deploying correctly
fix: array field onUpdate issues
fix: auto height with dynamic layout breaks
fix: clicking dynamic button group or dropdown shows cannot be updated error
fix: auto height with dynamic layout breaks
fix: clicking dynamic button group or dropdown shows cannot be updated error
Date: 2019-08-29
fix: edge not creating code logs table correctly
Date: 2019-08-14
fix: dont allow duplicate edges to connect in a cluster
fix: check user device existence on authentication
fix: delete sessions on device and user delete
fix: service cache and webhooks dont deploy on initial edge ingress
fix: fix dot slash edge mishap
Date: 2019-07-31
fix: auto height with dynamic layout breaks
fix: clicking dynamic button group or dropdown shows cannot be updated error
Date: 2019-07-31
feature: webhook support
feature: change log levels at runtime
feature: shared code service caches
feature: add mqtt connection triage information
feature: add option to not write triage messages to logs
feature: add cb stack features to clearblade dump stack and edge dump stack
feature: add option to not dump stack when perform triage is true
feature: allow only admin to subscribe to triage topics
feature: predefined variables available to adapter commands
feature: correct line numbers in js errors
feature: show long running service logs
feature: show long running service logs
feature: shared cache ui
feature: groupName option in typeaheads and inputType now typeahead
feature: time format option in daate picker on the crudgrid and form widgets
enhancement: optimize sync runtime
enhancement: optimize mongo count and select operations
enhancement: update edge config help output
enhancement: warning on dragging dynamically created form fields
enhancement: use shift to select multiple rows
enhancement: change docs links versions from 3 to 4
enhancement: warnings for overridden settings in form and crud grid
enhancement: CRUD widget custom cell validation and removal of TABLE
enhancement: sanitize html fields for user
enhancement: apply search placeholder text for add system modal in template tab
fix: upgrade code logs continue on error
fix: add raw query support for mongo count operation
fix: do not dump triage stacks in log file
fix: cb triage point to databases other than localhost
fix: need to limit number of active setTimeouts
fix: adapter may not get initially deployed correctly
fix: permissions modal selection
fix: add text to button in advanced tab on new system modal fix
fix: fix modal to display more descriptive text about action
fix: fix height of charts in form widget
fix: update dev password in admin panel
fix: crud grid widget using count as page size fix
fix: fix portal clone feature to fetch latest portal
Date: 2019-07-24
Date: 2019-07-08
Key notes:
CB Dev Kit A developer can use ES5, ES6, ESNext, TypeScript, and npm packages to build ClearBlade microservices and portals.
OpenAPI Lite Contains a smaller API Spec with all common endpoints for Users, Devices, and Edges
DataDog Support

feature: edge auto upgrade
feature: add config files support
EdgeID = "" (string) Edge name
PlatformIP = "" (string) The IP address of the platform without port
PlatformPort = "1884" (string) MQTT broker port of the platform. Defaults to 1884 for TLS MQTT
EdgeCookie = "" (string) The cookie for the edge's session
ParentSystemKey = "" (string) The parent system of the edge
EdgeIP = "localhost" (string) The edge's IP. Defaults to localhost
feature: triage analysis
feature: triage analysis
feature: new license key version
feature: add raw query support for mongodb
feature: add authentication and tls support for mailer library
feature: allow clearing code logs
feature: admin license key usage and limits
feature: edge upgrade UI
feature: add parser to datasources
feature: code log deletion
feature: drag to set form field width
feature: cb dev kit
feature: add panes layout setting for 1800px
feature: show build id in about modal
feature: customizable no rows found setting on grid
feature: drag widgets between panes
feature: theme portal for partner
enhancement: implement keepalive for rpc communications
enhancement: reduce debug logging
enhancement: auto balance services on edges
enhancement: create platform analytics events table
enhancement: show notificatino for LRS success instead of modal
enhancement: provide link to release notes
enhancement: auto focus name input in new system modal
enhancement: all form data is passed to submit parser
enhancement: make query parameter for sign ups when new users go to portal
enhancement: make new system modal more intuitive
enhancement: generate crud services permissions prompt
enhancement: collection schema copy field
fix: shared subscription messages unevenly distributed
fix: fix autobalance retrieving incorrect versions on node startup
fix: edge panic due to uninitialized db client
fix: disabling a system fails
fix: fix edge panic on sqlite index oob
fix: UserConnected and DeviceConnected triggers not passing in device key or email
fix: limit total size of code log per service
fix: edge cache initialization on demand
fix: ota edge upgrade not working in a cluster
fix: Trigger services fired from a code service share the same request id
fix: Trigger services fired from a code service share the same request id
fix: make certain log levels more appropriate
fix: execution timeout should default to regular service timeout
fix: duplicate systems with same name cause trigger authentication issues
fix: device sync causes bad active key sync
fix: pprof is on by default
fix: fix indexing issue causing panic in adapter endpoint
fix: fix user context being cancelled when executing service within service
fix: cache error when caching device
fix: quit smtp client in defer
fix: panic in shared subscriptions
fix: trigger sync updating too many triggers
fix: trigger sync updating too many triggers
fix: trigger sync updating too many triggers
fix: cleanup client ids on node down event
fix: add more logging to unique client id
fix: fix code service subscription callback not being called
fix: in cluster some publishes dont get saved in history
fix: delay timer start to more accurately match start time
fix: clean up subscriptions on code service exit
fix: edge provisioning stopped working
fix: remove setTimeout and setInterval support
fix: return error when trying to add a duplicate permission
fix: fixed deadlock causing edges to appear disconnected
fix: fixed cache dump subcommand
fix: triggers not firing on sync
fix: create missing system tables on edge
fix: mqtt deadlock when adding removing edges
fix: scan of cache causes platform panic
fix: do not exit edge if bad connection
fix: panic due to type assertion in requests lib
fix: panic in broker lb due to index oob
fix: fix mqtt connect error codes to match spec
fix: onBlur error for empty crud grid field
fix: remove extra keys from form widget submit
fix: fix for read only option on form field
fix: current working library shows as add library option
fix: cannot copy itemId from collection grid
fix: compiled widgets cannot run wrapped in parser function
fix: crud grid add field
fix: html form field breaks new ds parser logic
fix: role detail page filters side menu roles
fix: allow empty number input without 0
fix: messaging frequently disconnecting in portals
fix: fix small breakpoint display
fix: new portal will not load due to breakpoint upgrade fix
fix: fix misleading failed runs text
fix: admin page y scrolling is broken
fix: fix crud grid header and firefox click
fix: page names with spaces not working
fix: hidden pane headers leave extra space in edit mode
fix: new modal erases all external resources
fix: adapter commands not autofilling on file upload
fix: grouping list auto select not running select parser
Date: 2019-10-18
Date: 2019-10-16
Key notes:
Additional logging for timers
enhancement: remove unnecessary type checking for collections
Date: 2019-09-19
Key notes:
Additional checking of anon user id
Message Auto Deletion is less memory intensive
Date: 2019-08-29
fix: race can cause multiple leaders in cluster
Date: 2019-08-14
fix: platform unresponsive after stopping stream service under high load
fix: dont allow duplicate edges to connect in a cluster
Date: 2019-08-08
fix: check user device existence on authentication
fix: delete sessions on device and user delete
fix: fix panic on edge when using wrong system key
fix: kill waitMessage goroutine on code exit
Date: 2019-07-24
Date: 2019-07-19
enhancement: optimize sync runtime
enhancement: optimize mongo count and select operations
Date: 2019-07-16
fix: add raw query support for mongo count operation
fix: adapter may not get initially deployed correctly for new lts branchto lts
Date: 2019-07-09
fix: fix panic from missing edge processor
Date: 2019-07-03
fix: shared subscription messages unevenly distributed
Date: 2019-07-02
feature: triage analysis
fix: fix autobalance retrieving incorrect versions on node startup
fix: edge panic due to uninitialized db client
fix: disabling a system fails
fix: fix edge panic on sqlite index oob
Date: 2019-06-24
fix: UserConnected and DeviceConnected triggers not passing in device key or email
fix: limit total size of code log per service
Date: 2019-06-20
feature: triage analysis
feature: new license key version
feature: edge auto upgrade
feature: admin license key usage and limits
feature: edge upgrade UI
enhancement: implement keepalive for rpc communications
enhancement: show notificatino for LRS success instead of modal
enhancement: provide link to release notes
enhancement: auto focus name input in new system modal
enhancement: all form data is passed to submit parser
enhancement: make query parameter for sign ups when new users go to portal
enhancement: make new system modal more intuitive
fix: edge cache initialization on demand
fix: ota edge upgrade not working in a cluster
fix: Trigger services fired from a code service share the same request id
fix: Trigger services fired from a code service share the same request id
fix: make certain log levels more appropriate
fix: execution timeout should default to regular service timeout
fix: onBlur error for empty crud grid field
fix: remove extra keys from form widget submit
fix: fix for read only option on form field
fix: current working library shows as add library option
Date: 2019-06-04
Key notes:
AutoSync performance improvements require that all Platforms running 5.2.0 must upgrade all Edges to 5.2.0 or higher.
Edge Autosync Port Changes:
Connection | prior to 5.2.0 | 5.2.0 onwards |
Autosync TLS | 1884 | 8951 |
Autosync non-TLS | 1883 | 8950 |
feature: add raw query support for mongodb
feature: add raw query support for mongodb
feature: add parser to datasources
feature: code log deletion
feature: drag to set form field width
enhancement: generate crud services permissions prompt
fix: collection insert not returning passed in itemid
fix: pprof is on by default
fix: fix indexing issue causing panic in adapter endpoint
fix: fix user context being cancelled when executing service within service
fix: cache error when caching device
fix: cannot copy itemId from collection grid
fix: compiled widgets cannot run wrapped in parser function
fix: crud grid add field
fix: html form field breaks new ds parser logic
fix: role detail page filters side menu roles
fix: allow empty number input without 0
Date: 2019-05-31
feature: add raw query support for mongodb
Date: 2019-05-28
fix: collection insert not returning passed in itemid
Date: 2019-05-28
fix: duplicate systems with same name cause trigger authentication issues
fix: device sync causes bad active key sync
Date: 2019-05-03
fix: quit smtp client in defer
fix: messaging frequently disconnecting in portals
Date: 2019-05-03
fix: panic in shared subscriptions
Date: 2019-05-01
feature: add authentication and tls support for mailer library
feature: allow clearing code logs
feature: add config files support
feature: cb dev kit
feature: add panes layout setting for 1800px
feature: show build id in about modal
feature: customizable no rows found setting on grid
feature: drag widgets between panes
feature: theme portal for partner
enhancement: reduce debug logging
enhancement: auto balance services on edges
enhancement: create platform analytics events table
enhancement: collection schema copy field
fix: trigger sync updating too many triggers
fix: trigger sync updating too many triggers
fix: trigger sync updating too many triggers
fix: fix code service subscription callback not being called
fix: in cluster some publishes dont get saved in history
fix: edge provisioning stopped working
fix: remove setTimeout and setInterval support
fix: triggers not firing on sync
fix: fix small breakpoint display
fix: new portal will not load due to breakpoint upgrade fix
fix: fix misleading failed runs text
fix: admin page y scrolling is broken
fix: fix crud grid header and firefox click
Date: 2019-04-24
fix: cleanup client ids on node down event
Date: 2019-04-23
fix: add more logging to unique client id
Date: 2019-04-09
fix: delay timer start to more accurately match start time
fix: clean up subscriptions on code service exit
Date: 2019-04-01
fix: return error when trying to add a duplicate permission
fix: fixed deadlock causing edges to appear disconnected
fix: fixed cache dump subcommand
Date: 2019-03-27
Date: 2019-03-22
fix: create missing system tables on edge
fix: mqtt deadlock when adding removing edges
fix: scan of cache causes platform panic
fix: do not exit edge if bad connection
fix: panic due to type assertion in requests lib
fix: panic in broker lb due to index oob
fix: page names with spaces not working
fix: hidden pane headers leave extra space in edit mode
fix: new modal erases all external resources
Date: 2019-03-15
fix: fix mqtt connect error codes to match spec
fix: adapter commands not autofilling on file upload
fix: grouping list auto select not running select parser
Date: 2019-05-06
Date: 2019-03-07
fix: fix service subscription memory leak
Date: 2019-02-21
fix: fix asset id for device item level sync rules
Date: 2019-02-19
feature: add StartConnectDisconnect triggers UI
fix: services sync even if sync flag is false
fix: edge crashes on startup when not connected to platform
fix: fix form widget dynamic outgoing spinner
fix: fix enter closing edge proxy login
fix: cmd click links side nav
fix: fix invalid date timestamp
Date: 2019-02-14
fix: fix default service concurrency for import
Date: 2019-02-14
fix: fix toggle sync for individual assets
fix: filter and grouping list widget now handle incorrect data without errors
Date: 2019-02-13
fix: fix deployment update
fix: system name on system home changes with sidenav selection
fix: handle non standard date format for log timestamp
fix: remove dependence on anon role