OIDC provider
OpenID Connect (OIDC) is an identity layer on top of OAuth. It allows clients to verify the end user’s identity based on the authentication performed by an authorization server and to obtain the end user’s profile information in an interoperable and REST-like manner. An OIDC provider can register and log in to the ClearBlade Platform. OIDC configuration is only allowed by admins at the Platform level. OIDC applies to only developers and users.
OIDC provider configuration
1. Click your username on the top-right of the screen and click Admin.

2. Click the OIDC Providers tab.

3. Click Register New Provider.

4. Fill out the form and click Submit.

The provider URL, client ID, and client secret fields are based on your provider and can be obtained through them.
Provider URL: https://accounts.google.com
To create your OAuth 2 credentials, follow these instructions.
Your authorized redirect URI will be https://<platformurl>/console/oidc/callback
Provider URL: https://login.microsoftonline.com/{tenant}/v2.0
To create your OAuth 2 credentials, follow these instructions.
Your authorized redirect URI will be https://<platformurl>/console/oidc/callback
5. Click your provider to view its settings:

OIDC developer registration and login
1. Click Sign up.

2. Fill out the details or click sign up with Google (2FA support is enabled).

Log into the Platform using your email and password or click log in with Google (2FA support is enabled).