The ClearBlade Platform is a RESTful application that can be administrated with the web console or command line interface (CLI).
Full documentation can be found in the GitHub repo.
IoT system serialization
The CLI allows developers to interact with a ClearBlade system from a terminal and transfer serialized assets into their local file system for:
Developing IoT systems locally
Running code services from the terminal
Sending MQTT messages from the terminal
Version control
Continuous integration/development
Promotion of builds across environments
Terminology is reused from git with regards to push/pull.
See Workflow for diagrams.
System management
These commands move entire systems:
Export: Export from the ClearBlade Platform to local. A new folder is created on a local machine.
Import: Import from local to the ClearBlade Platform. This creates a new system in the Platform.
Asset management
These commands move assets within a system, such as a code service:
Pull: Pull one or more assets from the ClearBlade Platform to local.
Push: Push one or more assets from local to the ClearBlade Platform.
Built-in MQTT client for publishing and subscribing via MQTT
cb-cli test -topic=t -payload=p
Figure 1. A folder is created locally when a system is exported from the Platform.

Figure 2. Importing a file from your local folder can create a new system.

Figure 3. You can pull system assets from the Platform and move them locally. You can also push system assets locally to the Platform. Folders can also be edited locally.