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Release notes

6/11/2024 (9.33.3):

  • Fix: (UI) update link to cloud logs to include resource.type=”global” filter

4/16/2024 (9.33.3):

  • Enhancement: (UI) show ‘of many’ when the total number of bound devices in a gateway’s bound devices table exceeds the current page

4/5/2024 (9.33.3):

  • Enhancement: (UI) encode/decode configuration when switch between text/base64 format in ‘update device config’ modal

  • Fix: (UI) fix total number of bound devices on gateway’s bound devices table

4/3/2024 (9.33.3):

  • Fix: (UI) Malformed URI for link to view device communication errors in Google Metrics Explorer

2/27/2024 (9.33.3):

  • enhancement - Removed IP-based stick tables

  • enhancement - Dependency updates for performance and security

  • enhancement - Improved connection tracing

  • enhancement - (UI) added form validation to ‘update config’ form. when the base64 format is selected, the value must be base64 encoded

  • enhancement - (UI) allow slashes in topic subfolders

  • bug - cannot delete projects that do not have service accounts

  • bug - (UI) cannot delete devices that have % in the name

11/2/2023 (9.30.11):

  • feature: UI - show total count of number of registries and devices

  • enhancement: UI - extend device table to fill page height

  • enhancement: UI - display previous config when modifying device config

  • enhancement: UI - navigate to newly created registry on success

  • enhancement: add base64 flag for fetching device state

  • enhancement: performance enhancements for querying devices

  • enhancement: add audit log for sendCommandToDevice

  • bug: UI - properly display base64 encoded state data

  • bug: only update device credentials when specified by updateMask parameter

  • bug: UI - "Error status and message" field overflows page

  • bug: project's service accounts not removed when project is deleted

  • bug: config sent when device not connected

  • bug: UI - config and state data overflow container

  • bug: sendCommandToDevice times out after device is deleted

7/27/2023 (9.29.0_v1.14.1):

  • enhancement: speed up device creation

  • enhancement: performance improvements for device config and device state endpoints

  • fix: don't log request headers to GCP


  • fix: MQTT Keep Alive of 0 should disable keep alive checks on the server


  • feature: add support for config acknowledge


  • fix: don’t return error when a device is created/patched with credentials that have expirationTime set to empty string


  • feature: add support for device certification expiration

  • enhancement: redirect landing page to registries page if user is logged in


  • enhancement: various performance improvements for HTTP APIs

  • enhancement: performance improvement for checking if device is connected before sending command

  • fix: remove constraint on device and registry IDs containing ‘goog’

  • fix: include gatewayId (camel-case) in pubsub message attributes

  • fix: allow JWT to work like Google


  • minor performance enhancements


  • enhancement: performance improvements for cloudiotdevice endpoints

  • enhancement: modify service account validation to only check for necessary permissions

  • enhancement: modify cloudiotdevice getConfig to match Google more closely

  • fix: UI - form for update device config failed on submitting empty config

  • fix: UI - make device command data required

  • fix: UI - unable to update device auth method on gateway edit page


  • feature: allow devices to call HTTP endpoints with JWT

  • enhancement: HTTP billing

  • enhancement: performance improvements for cloudiot_devices endpoint

  • fix: UI monitoring page not showing metrics in non-English locales

  • fix: cannot update registry settings unless state topic is passed

  • fix: return 400 in sendCommandToDevice if device is not attached to a gateway, in addition to not being connected

  • fix: unable to bind/unbind multiple devices simultaneously

  • fix: honor mqtt keep alive at mqtt level

  • fix: allow user passwords to include _ and -. improve error message to list allowed special characters

  • fix: numId not displayed in device detail UI if set to 0


  • enhancement: allow publish and subscribe on invalid topics (we no longer disconnect clients when this happens)

  • enhancement: return 409 status code when creating a device if it already exists

  • fix: patching a device with an invalid certificate removes other certificates

  • fix: certificates not accepted when patching registry

  • fix: change ‘Update gateway’ text to ‘Update config’


  • feature: add Google Cloud Logging for publishEvent

  • enhancement: add validation for registries patch

  • enhancement: UI – format dates in Device list

  • fix: return error if invalid credentials are passed during device create

  • fix: remove 200 page size option in devices table UI

  • fix: UI – device/gateway authentication modal overwrites key value with previously viewed key value

  • fix: UI – invalid metric name in link to Google Cloud Logging

  • fix: UI – handle encoding/decoding of non-Latin characters for device config, state, & commands


  • enhancement: performance improvements around updating device timestamps

  • enhancement: speed up JWT creation for migrating registries/fetching pub sub topics

  • enhancement: add base64Encode param to device state endpoint

  • fix: return 204 status code for empty responses

  • fix: gateway failed to fetch when there are lots of devices

  • fix: display more than 100 pubsub topics


  • feature: gateways

  • enhancement: validate device fields on create/update

  • enhancement: check service account permissions when creating/updating project area

  • enhancement: handle empty data sets on Monitoring page

  • enhancement: add link to cloud logging on device detail and registry detail pages

  • enhancement: show info alert if no default telemetry topic is configured

  • enhancement: return error when binaryData parameter for sendCommandToDevice is not base64 encoded

  • fix: active devices metric erroneously reported HTTP traffic

  • fix: made parameters optional for modifyCloudToDeviceConfig

  • fix: header on mobile view wraps

  • fix: device detail info not refreshed after blocking/allowing communication


  • enhancement: allow migration tool to add expired certs

  • fix: iotcore metrics reporting too frequently in cluster

  • fix: make active_device metric count publishers


  • fix: block device now disallows auth and disconnects device

  • fix: honor numStates and numVersions in listStates and listConfigVersions APIs

  • fix: return full device name in API response

  • fix: full support for listDevices parameters

  • fix: JWT issued at future time skew


  • fix: device logLevel does not override registry logLevel

  • fix: JWT time skew

  • fix: message broker deadlocks

  • fix: Google metrics being written too frequently


  • fix: add system settings google integration for registries created via webhook

  • fix: listStates returned empty array


  • feature: make regions configurable

  • fix: allow passing int for config version when updating device config

  • fix: modifying device config fails intermittently

  • fix: prevent duplicate registry names

  • fix: allow for concurrent registry creation

  • fix: remove calls to logger for device attach/detach to/from gateway

  • fix: correct sort for config versions


  • feature: monitoring

  • fix: handle null values in registries

  • fix: handle null values in devices

  • fix: invalid date on devices table last seen column

  • fix: handle incomplete registry objects on create

  • fix: base64-encoded protobufs not decoded properly

  • fix: events published to topic with unknown subfolder not sent to default pubsub topic


  • increase max keep alive interval to 20 minutes

  • fixed issue with partial device on create

  • add support for ECC-based ciphers

  • close previous MQTT connection when a new connection with the same client id is received


  • fixed issue with binary config and command data being sent to devices

  • sendCommandToDevice now returns 400 when device is disconnected

  • fix UI issue when adding device public keys

  • add support for TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 cipher

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