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Options for limiting the list based on gateway type and associations.

JSON representation

  // Union field filter can be only one of the following:
  "gatewayType": enum(GatewayType),
  "associationsGatewayId": string,
  "associationsDeviceId": string
  // End of list of possible types for the union field filter.


Union field filter. If not set, all devices and gateways are returned. If set, the list is filtered based on gateway type and associations. filter can be only one of the following:



If GATEWAY is specified, only gateways are returned. If NON_GATEWAY is specified, only non-gateway devices are returned. If GATEWAY_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED is specified, all devices are returned.



If set, only devices associated with the specified gateway are returned. The gateway ID can be numeric (numId) or the user-defined string (id). For example, if 123 is specified, only devices bound to the gateway with numId 123 are returned.



If set, returns only the gateways associated with the specified device. The device ID can be numeric (numId) or the user-defined string (id). For example, if 456 is specified, returns only the gateways to which the device with numId 456 is bound.

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