MQTT topics
This page covers the topic to post to for updating an asset.
That topic will automatically update history and post to the rules engine (which would generate an event if the rule criterion is met).
Other MQTT topics of interest
Where + is the Asset ID
This is what the default normalizer topic, in turn, posts to. We have config options for how these messages get processed:
Where + is the Asset ID
This is the topic the rules engine listens to. You typically do not need to post to this topic because the services from #1 above will take care of that for
Where + is the Asset ID
This topic will perform a live update on an asset within the UI. This is useful for users leaving their browser open to watch an asset change over time. You typically do not need to post to this topic because the services from #1 above will take care of that for you._dbupdate/_monitor/_asset/+/command/+/request
Where 1st + is the Asset ID
Where the 2nd + is a UUID representing the command (this could be used for tracing specific executions). The topic you post to when a user executes a control on an asset. Typically, you build a code service to listen to this topic and perform some functionality.