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Rules allow you to define conditions that trigger events/alarms. For example, a rule could be defined to trigger an event when the internal temperature of a boiler is greater than 200 degrees. Rules can be associated with actions. An event is created when the rules engine detects the conditions of a rule are met. Upon creation of an event, an associated action can be triggered. Examples of actions are sending an email, sending an SMS message, sending data to a webhook, sending a message to Microsoft Teams, etc.

Add rule

1. Click Rules on the left menu:

2. Click the plus button on the top right of the page to add a rule.

3. Fill out the information and click Create:

View rule

1. Click Rules on the left menu:

2. Search or filter a rule you are looking for.

3. Here is an example:

4. You can edit, clone, or delete the rule from the icons on the top right of it:

Area rules

These videos will show you how to navigate through the Area rules: 

Creating area rules

Testing area rules

Creating state rules

Testing state rules

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