Admin asset types
An asset type categorizes assets based on their attributes. You can create asset types unique to your solutions by adding custom attributes.
Parent-child tree
Assets can have parent-child relationship trees to organize hierarchies of asset types.

Add asset type
1. Click Asset Types on the left menu:
2. Click the plus button on the top right of the page.
3. This is what appears:

Toggle “Asset” or “Area” to select the entity type. If you choose “Area,” you will be able to define a geofence for assets of this type.
4. This is what the attributes section looks like:

5. This is what the controls section looks like:

6. This is what the categorize section looks like:

7. When done filling out the information, click the create button at the bottom of the page.
Here is a creating asset types video.
Required values
Value | Definition |
ID | The asset type’s unique ID |
Name | The asset type’s name |
Groups | The groups the asset type belongs to |
Optional values
Value | Definition |
Icon | Please select one from our icon library or upload an image |
Description | The asset type’s description |
Children | Other related asset types can be added as children of this parent asset type |
Default History View | There are different view settings for the asset type’s data history |
Device Type | The device used for the assets with this type (e.g., NimbeLink) |
Propagate location to root? | If checked, the location updates the asset and roots |
Show location on root? | If checked, assets of this type display on maps |
Store updates on root? | If checked, the updates for an asset of this type only update for the root asset and its history |
Only the Name value is required.
Value | Definition |
Name | The attribute’s name |
Label | The attribute’s displayed label |
Data Type | The attribute appearance’s data type |
Edit Widget | Sets up the widget type to edit an area’s attributes |
View Widget | How Edit Widget appears |
Keep History? | When checked, the history of changes is recorded as historical data under Areas in the Monitor tab |
Hide Attribute? | When checked, it hides the attribute |
Read Only Attribute? | When checked, the attribute cannot be edited by a user |
Calculated Attributes
Calculated attributes are a powerful way to create new values based on multiple attributes, utilizing a powerful formula builder. These formulae can contain a number of operators, functions, and variables. When adding an attribute, after setting a name for the attribute, click the “Calculated Attribute?” checkbox at the bottom to open the formula builder.

Example formulas:
Calculate Fahrenheit from a Celsius attribute -
(celsius * (9/5)) + 32
Total energy usage for a building (note: there are multiple ways to solve this)
reduce(childLightBulbs, childLightBulb.energyUsage)
sum(map(childLightBulbs, childLightBulb.energyUsage))
reduce with filter
reduce(filter(childLightBulds, childLightBulb.isReporting == true), childLightBulb.energyUsage)map with filter
sum(map(filter(childLightBulbs, childLightBulb.isReporting == true), childLightBulb.energyUsage))
Condition where temperature is over set point
currentTemp > (setPoint + 2)
Types of operators
Type | Definition |
Addition (+) | To add two numbers or variables |
Subtraction (-) | To subtract one number or variable from another |
Multiplication (*) | To multiply two numbers or variables |
Division (/) | To divide one number or variable by another |
Modulo (%) | To find the remainder of the division of one number by another |
Type | Definition |
Equal to (==) | To check if two values are equal |
Not equal to (!=) | To check if two values are not equal |
Greater than (>) | To check if one value is greater than another |
Less than (<) | To check if one value is less than another |
Greater than or equal to (>=) | To check if one value is greater than or equal to another |
Less than or equal to (<=) | To check if one value is less than or equal to another |
AND (&&) | To check if both conditions are true |
OR (||) | To check if at least one condition is true |
NOT (!) | To invert the truth value of a condition |
Types of Functions
Type | Definition |
SUM(array[]) | To find the sum of a list of numbers |
AVG(array[]) | To find the average of a list of numbers |
MIN(array[]) | To find the minimum value in a list of numbers |
MAX(array[]) | To find the maximum value in a list of numbers |
Type | Definition |
concat(string1, string2, …string) | To concatenate multiple strings into one |
replace(original, regex, replacement) | To replace parts of a string |
split(string, delimiter) | To split a string into an array based on a delimiter |
join(array, delimiter) | To join an array of strings into a single string with a delimiter |
match(string, regex) | To match a string against a regular expression |
Type | Definition |
map(array, mapOperation) | To map elements of an array to another array |
reduce(array, reduceOperation) | To reduce an array to another value |
filter(array, filterOperation) | To filter elements from an array |
length(array) | To get the length of an array |
contains(array, value) | To check if an array contains a specific value |
indexof(array, value) | To get the index of a value in an array |
Type | Definition |
if(condition, true_value, false_value) | To return a value based on a condition |
case(expression, value1, result1, value2, result, …, else_result) | To return a value based on multiple conditions |
Type | Defintion |
median(array[]) | To find the median of a list of numbers |
stddev(array[]) | to calculate the standard deviation of a list of numbers |
variance(array[]) | To calculate the variance of a list of numbers |
percentile(array[]) | To find the percentile of a list of numbers |
Value | Definition |
ID | The control’s ID |
Widget Type | The attribute’s displayed label |
Control Type | Fire and Forget is the default |
Label | The control’s label |
Variant | The label’s display |
View asset types
1. Click Asset Types in the left menu:
2. Search or filter the asset types you want to view.
3. Here is an asset type example:

4. You can edit, clone, or delete the asset type by selecting the respective icon on the top right of the page: